
Transparency. Participation. Collaboration

The Open Government Directive raised to prominence the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration as “the cornerstone of an open government.”

In keeping with these principles, our Open Government Plan details our approach for sharing our data more openly, engaging with the public more proactively and collaborating with all citizens. Our Open Government Plan is only of part of our approach to increase transparency and openness. We encourage you to explore other information on our website to learn more about what DoD is doing to address the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration.

We want to specifically hear from you on how our plan can be improved, and on what data, datasets and information you want to see from DoD. We also encourage you to think of innovative ways to use the data we have provided in our plan and on Data.gov and provide us feedback on these innovations. Also, feel free to send us your thoughts on open government through our contact page.

NEW: On May 23, 2012, the White House released its Digital Government Strategy. As part of this initiative, Agencies are required to identify two of their high value datasets posted to data.gov to be made available through a Web API for developers to use in building next-generation applications to serve our citizens. Please use our Contact Page to let us know which of the DoD datasets on data.gov you feel should be made available first. – Thanks!

Explore the Defense Innovation Marketplace, DARPA and other DoD Innovations: (DoDTechipedia, ACQuipedia,Aristotle, Wikified Army Field Guide) to learn more about the exciting programs, ideas and tools that epitomize the open government initiative call for increased transparency, participation, and collaboration. Help DoD look for ways to use emerging technology to help servicemembers by participating with our “ DoD Challenges. Incentive prizes (monetary or non-monetary) often accompany these challenges and contests. We encourage you to get involved with DoD Regulations by submitting comments when we publish a proposed version in the Federal Register.

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DoD Open Government Officials

The Honorable Elizabeth A. McGrath
Deputy Chief Management Officer
Senior Accountable DoD Official

Mr. David M. Wennergren
Assistant Deputy Chief Management Officer

Open Government Plan

DoD Open Government Plan v2.1

DoD News

DoD News