
Operation Be Fit - Training

Body Weight Workout

By Christina Carrillo

A weight room can sometimes be pretty intimidating. You have to know which weight is right for you, which exercises will work certain muscle groups, and most importantly, how to safely and correctly complete each of the exercises. Just these reasons alone can be enough to hinder someone from beginning a venture into the weight room. So next time you hit the gym, try this simple but effective workout that uses only a weight bench and your own body weight. Even an experienced weight lifter who is comfortable with the weight room can use an alternative like this to shock their body into a new routine to avoid plateaus and boredom.

This full-body workout is a circuit which means you will complete one set of each exercise before repeating the round. There are five exercises in this circuit. Two for upper body, two for lower body, and one exercise to target your midsection.

  1. Step ups – You'll begin by facing the bench and stepping up with your left leg and throw your right knee up before stepping down. You can alternate legs each repetition or finish all 15 on your left leg before switching to the right leg. This exercise works almost all the muscles in the lower body but you will probably feel it most in your gluteus muscles and quadriceps. Complete this exercise 15 times each leg for a total of 30 repetitions.
  2. Push-ups – There are two ways to complete this exercise. For the intermediate and advanced exercisers, you'll place your hands on the close edge of the bench and extend your feet out until your body is straight and shoulders right above your wrists. You'll then bend your elbows and lower your chest to the bench before pressing your body weight straight up. Be sure to keep your back straight, shoulders back, and hips in line with your body. Don't allow your hips or any other part of your body to assist your chest and arms in pressing your body back up. Beginners, you'll complete the exercise the same way although you can drop to your knees instead of holding up on your toes. These pushups will primarily work your pectorals but you may also feel it in your triceps and a little in your deltoids. You will perform 15 pushups each round.
  3. Bench assisted lunges – Place the top of one of your feet on the bench behind you. Make sure to have that back leg almost completely extended behind you. You will then lower into a lunge but make sure to be far enough from the bench that your knee does not bend past your toes during the lunge. During this exercise you will definitely feel the tension in your gluteus muscles and quadriceps but again, it works almost all lower extremity muscles. Complete 15 lunges before switching legs and finishing with 15 more.
  4. Bench dips – Begin by sitting on a bench with your wrists on the edge and fingers rounded over the edge. With your feet still on the ground, lift your hips up and away from the bench then walk your feet out until knees fully extended and balancing on your heels. Keep your hips close to the bench to make sure the emphasis stays on the right muscles. If this is too difficult, use the modified positioning by bending your knees. You'll then lower your hips close to the ground by bending your elbows and then lifting your body weight up using only your triceps and making sure to not use your hips to propel yourself up. Be careful not to let your elbows protrude out to the side but to keep them bending straight backwards behind you. This exercise works your triceps and somewhat in your pectorals and deltoids. Perform 15 repetitions each round.
  5. Bench crunches – Begin by laying flat on the bench with your legs straight and extended and your arms fully extended above and behind your head. Lift your legs slightly off the bench so your lower abdominals are contracted. At the same time, you will bend your legs up and forward and your arms down to meet halfway until elbows and knees are almost touching. You will be working your abdominal muscles in this exercise. Complete these crunches 15 times per round.

Remember to rest 30 – 45 seconds only in between exercises. Beginners, try this circuit first only 3 times. However if you are more advanced, work your way up to at least 5 rounds and repeat this circuit at least 3 times each week. Resistance training is necessary in any exercise program because without it, you will not be building muscle which means you will not be burning enough fat either. While cardio training is essential, unless it is paired with adequate resistance training; you will not get the results you want.

Be sure to keep up with all the exercise tips and nutrition ideas with Operation Be Fit. Never give up!

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