U.S. Department of Justice

Aspiring to the Impracticable: Alternatives to Incarceration in the Era of Mass Incarceration

Publication year: 2009 | Cataloged on: Nov. 12, 2009

Library ID

  • 024090


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  • 2009
  • 34 pages.

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  • Aspiring to the Impracticable: Alternatives to Incarceration in the Era of Mass Incarceration

ANNOTATION: The fact that “while ATI [alternatives-to-incarceration] programming holds promise as part of a criminal justice reform strategy, the full realization of this promise is thwarted by the structure and rules of the criminal justice system itself” is explained (p. 237). This article is divided into three parts: alternatives-to-incarceration programs—the development of ATI programming, the Center for Community Alternatives (CCA) and New York City’s ATI programs, documentation of ATI program effectiveness, and limits to ATI programming impacts; ATI in the carceral state—drug laws and mandatory sentencing places people out of ATIs’ reach, racialized justice, racial disparities, and limitations on alternatives, and the real world of prisons, agendas, social economics, and social control; and conclusions—ATI relevance in an era of incarceration.

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