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    Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle: California's Prison Gulag

    Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Feb. 03, 2009

    Library ID

    • 023537


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    • 2008
    • 12 pages.

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    • Getting the Genie Back in the Bottle: California's Prison Gulag

    ANNOTATION: Reasons for the explosive growth in California's inmate population and ways to address this critical problem are explained. Sections included in this report are: distorting the scale of punishment; distorting the balance of state and county corrections; Proposition 36; when in doubt build more beds and "rediscover" rehabilitation; the way out of California's "corrections imbroglio" -- decarcerating women prisoners, repairing the prisoner reentry system; creating a new state-local partnership, and the need for a Sentencing Commission; and final considerations.

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