U.S. Department of Justice

Chapter 72.65 RCW: Work Release Program

Publication year: 2011 | Cataloged on: Jan. 12, 2012

Library ID

  • 025466

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  • 2011
  • 9 pages

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Thumbnail preview ANNOTATION: Rules governing the work release program for Washington State adult correctional facilities are noted. Sections of this Chapter are: definitions; places of confinement -- extension of limits authorized, conditions, and application of section; application of prisoner to participate in program, contents, and application of section; approval or denial of application, adoption of work release plan, terms and conditions, revocation, reapplication, and application of section; disposition of earnings; earnings not subject to legal process; contracts with authorities for payment of expenses for housing participants and procurement of housing facilities; transportation, clothing, supplies for participants; powers and duties of secretary, rules and regulations, cooperation of other state agencies directed; earnings to be deposited in personal funds and disbursements; participants not considered agents or employees of the state, contracting with persons, companies, etc., for labor of participants prohibited, and employee benefits and privileges extended to; authority of board of prison terms and paroles not impaired; participation in work release plan or program must be authorized by sentence or RCW 9.94A.728; inmate participation eligibility standards and Department to conduct overall review of work release program; facility siting process; and effective date.

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