U.S. Department of Justice

Making Law and Policy the Work: A Handbook for Law and Policy Makers on Reforming Criminal Justice and Penal Legislation, Policy and Practice

Publication year: 2010 | Cataloged on: Oct. 28, 2010

Library ID

  • 024718

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  • 2010
  • 104 pages

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  • Making Law and Policy the Work: A Handbook for Law and Policy Makers on Reforming Criminal Justice and Penal Legislation, Policy and Practice

ANNOTATION: The authors “hope that this Handbook will stimulate interest in the many facets of criminal justice reform which go unexplored, and result in fair, humane and effective justice that respects the rights, characteristics and needs of all members of society” (p. 1). The sections of this guide are: principle sources for this publication; a fair and effective approach to criminal justice—underlying principles of law and policy reform; strategies for developing law and policy—establishing a process, identifying problems and their causes, drafting reform proposals, compatibility of reform proposals with existing legislation, the use of international human rights standards and norms in reform proposals, cost analysis of reform proposals, inclusive consultation with stakeholders, building consensus, dissemination and training, and ongoing monitoring and evaluation; substantive issues for reform—access to justice, rehabilitation and imprisonment, and re-entry into the community on release; and conclusion.

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