Media Contact: (816)426-2481   Information: (816) 426-2481
Fax on demand: 816-426-3152 -- Document 9615

For Release: November 15, 2006


Workers in the Topeka, Kansas Metropolitan Statistical Area1 had an average (mean) wage of $16.36 per hour during May 2005, slightly more than ten percent below the nationwide average of $18.21, according to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics. Regional Commissioner Stanley W. Suchman noted that workers in 17 of the 22 major occupational groups in Topeka had wages that were significantly below their national counterparts; production workers, on the other hand, were one group that was paid appreciably more than the U.S. average. In addition, when compared to the nationwide distribution, local employment was more highly concentrated in 8 of the 22 occupational groups, including two of the better paid-management and legal. (See table A and box note at end of release.)

These estimates for wage and salary workers are from the Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey, a federal-state cooperative program between BLS and State Workforce Agencies, in this case, the Kansas Department of Labor's office of Labor Market Information Services. The OES survey provides estimates of employment and wages for 22 major occupational groups and for up to 801 detailed occupations, as defined by the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system for the nation, the states, 375 metropolitan statistical areas, and 34 metropolitan divisions.

Although not the highest paid occupational group in Topeka, production workers did earn more than their national counterparts. (See chart A.) Local production workers averaged $16.38 an hour, nearly 14 percent more than the $14.37 paid workers nationwide. However, production workers had a lower-than-average presence in Topeka as evidenced by a 6.0-percent employment share versus 7.9 percent nationwide. (See chart B.) Two of the higher-paying jobs in this occupational group were extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders ($22.05) and inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers ($19.30). (See table 1 for detailed occupational data.)

On the other hand, management occupations were among the highest paid in the Topeka area, though hourly earnings for workers in this group were substantially below the national average-$34.84 versus $42.52. (See chart A.) This occupational group, however, did have an above-average presence in Topeka-5.1 percent versus 4.6 percent nationwide. Within management, sales managers ($49.27) and marketing managers ($46.48) were among the better paid in this group. At the lower end of the wage scale were food service managers and social and community service managers, each averaging $20.40 per hour. Among the largest groups was general and operations managers, accounting for more than one-third of those in management and averaging $32.43 per hour.

1 The Topeka, Kansas Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is comprised of Jackson, Jefferson, Osage, Shawnee, and Wabaunsee Counties. For convenience, this MSA will be referred to as the Topeka area (or by similarly abbreviated titles) throughout the release.

Table A. Employment and wage data by occupation for the U.S. and Topeka, May 2005
Major occupational group Employment Share (percent of total) Mean hourly wage
United States Topeka Significant difference(1) United States Topeka Significant difference(1)


4.6 5.1 yes $42.52 $34.84 yes

Business and financial operations

4.2 4.7 yes 27.85 22.73 yes

Computer and mathematical

2.3 2.0 yes 32.26 25.32 yes

Architecture and engineering

1.8 1.4 yes 30.73 24.11 yes

Life, physical, and social science

0.9 1.1 yes 27.90 22.32 yes

Community and social services

1.3 1.7 yes 18.04 15.58 yes


0.8 1.1 yes 38.98 28.91 yes

Education, training, and library

6.2 6.3 no 20.89 15.38 yes

Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media

1.3 1.2 no 21.30 15.47 yes

Healthcare practitioners and technical

5.0 6.4 no 28.45 25.53 yes

Healthcare support

2.6 3.7 yes 11.47 11.24 no

Protective service

2.3 2.9 yes 17.19 17.02 no

Food preparation and serving related

8.3 7.3 yes 8.58 7.78 yes

Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance

3.3 2.8 yes 10.55 9.77 yes

Personal care and service

2.4 2.9 no 10.67 8.89 yes

Sales and related

10.7 9.0 yes 15.77 13.43 yes

Office and administrative support

17.5 18.6 no 14.28 12.97 yes

Farming, fishing, and forestry

0.3 0.1 yes 10.10 14.77 yes

Construction and extraction

4.9 5.0 no 18.39 16.74 yes

Installation, maintenance, and repair

4.1 4.6 yes 18.30 18.23 no


7.9 6.0 yes 14.37 16.38 yes

Transportation and material moving

7.4 6.2 yes 13.85 12.57 yes

(1) Statistical significance testing at the 90 percent confidence interval

Legal workers, averaging $28.91 an hour, were another of the better-paid occupational groups in Topeka. Even so, hourly earnings were more than 25 percent below (or just over $10.00 less than) the nationwide average of $38.98. Locally, lawyers and administrative law judges, adjudicators, and hearing officers were among the highest paid averaging $39.42 and $32.83, respectively. Title examiners, abstractors, and searchers ($13.40) and law clerks ($12.56) were among the lowest paid in the legal fields.

In the healthcare practitioners and technical occupational group, workers averaged $25.53 per hour in the Topeka area, among the better paid, even though wages were appreciably below the $28.45 nationwide average. However, this group did have an above-average presence in the area (6.4 percent) when compared to its representation nationally (5.0 percent). Registered nurses, the largest group in this category with 2,930 workers, earned $23.57 per hour. Family and general practitioners ($86.69) and pharmacists ($39.38) were among the better paid. Veterinary technologists and technicians and dietetic technicians averaging $11.70 and $7.52, respectively, were at the lower end of the wage scale.

Also among the well paid in Topeka were those in the computer and mathematical occupational group averaging $25.32 per hour; nationally these workers earned $32.26. Locally, systems software engineers ($28.84) and database administrators ($28.21) were among the better paid in this group and computer support specialists ($18.95) were among the lowest paid.

Three other major occupational groups in the Topeka area averaged more than $20.00 per hour-architecture and engineering; business and financial operations; and life, physical, and social science.

Chart A. Wage distribution in the United States and the Topeka metropolitan area by major occupational group
Wage distribution in the U.S. and Topeka, KS

The largest occupational group in the Topeka area was office and administrative support with 20,020 workers, representing 18.6 percent of all employment in the metropolitan area. (See chart B.) Workers in this occupational group averaged $12.97 compared to $14.28 nationally. Locally, executive secretaries and administrative assistants (2,520) and general office clerks (1,940) accounted for over 20 percent of the workers in this group and averaged $13.63 and $10.61 an hour, respectively. Those working for the postal service were among the better paid, including postal service clerks averaging $23.24 and postal service mail carriers earning $20.79. Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks were at the other end of the wage scale averaging $7.46 an hour.

Other occupational groups with above-average concentrations in Topeka included protective service workers accounting for 2.9 percent of the workforce compared to 2.3 percent nationwide and installation, maintenance, and repair occupations representing 4.6 percent of the local workforce but 4.1 percent nationally. (See table A.) Neither of these two occupational groups had wages that varied significantly from their U.S. averages.

Topeka had a lower-than-average presence in eight major occupational groups, including six that had lower than average wages: computer and mathematical; architecture and engineering; food preparation and serving related; building and grounds cleaning and maintenance; sales and related; and transportation and material moving.

Chart B. Employment distribution in the United States and the Topeka metropolitan area by major occupational group
Employment distribution in the U.S. and Topeka, KS
| The OES wage and employment data for the 22 major occupational groups in the Topeka           |
| metropolitan area were compared to their respective national averages based on statistical    |
| significance testing.  Only those occupations with wages or employment shares above or below  |
| the national wage or share after testing for significance at the 90 percent confidence        |
| interval meet the criteria.  NOTE:  A value that is statistically different from another does |
| not necessarily mean that the difference has economic or practical significance.  Statistical |
| significance is concerned with our ability to make confident statements about a universe      |
| based on a sample.  It is entirely possible that a large difference between two values is not |
| significantly different statistically, while a small difference is, since both the size and   |
| heterogeneity of the sample effect the relative error of the data being tested.               |
Technical Note

The Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) survey is a semiannual mail survey measuring occupational employment and wage rates for wage and salary workers in nonfarm establishments in the United States. Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands also are surveyed, but their data are not included in this release. OES estimates are constructed from a sample of about 1.2 million establishments. Forms are mailed to approximately 200,000 establishments in May and November of each year for a 3-year period. The nationwide response rate for the May 2005 survey was 78.4 percent based on establishments and 73.2 percent based on employment. The survey included establishments sampled in the May 2005, November 2004, May 2004, November 2003, May 2003, and November 2002 semiannual panels. The sample in the Topeka metropolitan area included 1,416 establishments with a response rate of 81 percent.

The occupational coding system

The OES survey uses the Office of Management and Budget's (OMB) occupational classification system, the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) system. The SOC system is the first OMB-required occupational classification system for federal agencies. The OES survey categorizes workers in 1 of 801 detailed occupations. Together, these detailed occupations comprise 23 major occupational groups, 22 of which are covered in this release. The one exception is military specific occupations which are not included in the OES survey.

For more information about the SOC system, please see the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Web site at

The industry coding system

The OES survey uses the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). For more information about NAICS, see the BLS Web site at

Survey sample

BLS funds the survey and provides the procedures and technical support, while the State Workforce Agencies (SWAs) collect most of the data. BLS produces cross-industry and industry-specific estimates for the nation, states, and metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs). Industry-specific estimates are produced at the NAICS sector, 3-digit, 4-digit, and selected 5-digit industry levels. BLS releases all cross-industry and national estimates; the SWAs release industry-specific estimates at the state and MSA levels.

State Unemployment Insurance (UI) files provide the universe from which the OES survey draws its sample. Employment benchmarks are obtained from reports submitted by employers to the UI program. The OES survey sample is stratified by metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas and industry. Samples selected in panels prior to May 2005 were stratified using MSA definitions based on the 1990 Metropolitan Statistical Area standards. Beginning with the May 2005 panel, the sample was stratified using new MSA definitions based on the 2000 Metropolitan Statistical Area standards.


Occupational employment is the estimate of total wage and salary employment in an occupation across the industries surveyed. The OES survey defines employment as the number of workers who can be classified as full- or part-time employees, including workers on paid vacations or other types of paid leave; workers on unpaid short-term absences; salaried officers, executives, and staff members of incorporated firms; employees temporarily assigned to other units; and employees for whom the reporting unit is their permanent duty station regardless of whether that unit prepares their paycheck.

Wages for the OES survey are straight-time, gross pay, exclusive of premium pay. Base rate, cost-of-living allowances, guaranteed pay, hazardous-duty pay, incentive pay including commissions and production bonuses, tips, and on-call pay are included. Excluded are: back pay, jury duty pay, overtime pay, severance pay, shift differentials, non-production bonuses, employer cost for supplementary benefits, and tuition reimbursements.

Mean hourly wage.   The mean hourly wage rate for an occupation is the total wages that all workers in the occupation earn in an hour divided by the total employment of the occupation. To calculate the mean hourly wage of each occupation, total weighted hourly wages are summed across all intervals and divided by the occupation's weighted survey employment. The mean wage for each interval is based on occupational wage data collected by the BLS Office of Compensation and Working Conditions for the National Compensation Survey (NCS).

Annual wage.   Many employees are paid at an hourly rate by their employers and may work more than or less than 40 hours per week. Annual wage estimates for most occupations in this release are calculated by multiplying the mean hourly wage by a "year-round, full-time" figure of 2,080 hours (52 weeks by 40 hours). Thus, annual wage estimates may not represent the actual annual pay received by the employee if they work more or less than 2,080 hours per year. Some workers typically work less than full time, year round. For these occupations, the OES survey collects and reports either the annual salary or the hourly wage rate, depending on how the occupation is typically paid, but not both. For example, teachers, flight attendants, and pilots may be paid an annual salary, but do not work the usual 2,080 hours per year. In this case, an annual salary is reported. Other workers, such as entertainment workers are paid hourly rates, but generally do not work full time, year round. For these workers, only an hourly wage is reported.

Hourly versus annual wage reporting.   For each occupation, respondents are asked to report the number of employees paid within specific wage intervals. The intervals are defined both as hourly rates and the corresponding annual rates, where the annual rate for an occupation is calculated by multiplying the hourly wage rate by a typical work year of 2,080 hours. The responding establishment can reference either the hourly or the annual rate for full-time workers, but they are instructed to report the hourly rate for part-time workers.

Estimation methodology

Each OES panel includes approximately 200,000 establishments. The OES survey is designed to produce estimates using six panels (3 years) of data. The full six-panel sample of 1.2 million establishments allows the production of estimates at detailed levels of geography, industry, and occupation.

Wage updating.    Significant reductions in sampling errors are obtained by combining six panels of data, particularly for small geographic areas and occupations. Wages for the current panel need no adjustment. However, wages in the five previous panels need to be updated to the current panel's reference period.

The OES program uses the BLS Employment Cost Index (ECI) to adjust survey data from prior panels before combining them with the current panel's data. The wage updating procedure adjusts each detailed occupation's wage rate, as measured in the earlier panel, according to the average movement of its broader occupational division. The procedure assumes that there are no major differences by geography, industry, or detailed occupation within the occupational division.

May 2005 OES survey estimates. The May 2005 OES survey estimates are based on all data collected from establishments in the May 2005, November 2004, May 2004, November 2003, May 2003, and November 2002 semiannual samples.

Reliability of the estimates. Estimates calculated from a sample survey are subject to two types of error: sampling and nonsampling. Sampling error occurs when estimates are calculated from a subset (that is, a sample) of the population instead of the full population. When a sample of the population is surveyed, there is a chance that the sample estimate of the characteristic of interest may differ from the population value of that characteristic. Differences between the sample estimate and the population value will vary depending on the sample selected. This variability can be estimated by calculating the standard error (SE) of the sample estimate. If we were to repeat the sampling and estimation process countless times using the same survey design, approximately 90 percent of the intervals created by adding and subtracting 1.645 SEs from the sample estimate would include the population value. These intervals are called 90-percent confidence intervals. The OES survey, however, usually uses the relative standard error (RSE) of a sample estimate instead of its SE to measure sampling error. RSE is defined as the SE of a sample estimate divided by the sample estimate itself. This statistic provides the user with a measure of the relative precision of the sample estimate. RSEs are calculated for both occupational employment and mean wage rate estimates. Occupational employment RSEs are calculated using a subsample, random group replication technique called the jackknife. Mean wage rate RSEs are calculated using a variance components model that accounts for both the observed and unobserved components of the wage data. The variances of the unobserved components are estimated using wage data from the BLS National Compensation Survey. In general, estimates based on many establishments have lower RSEs than estimates based on few establishments. If the distributional assumptions of the models are violated, the resulting confidence intervals may not reflect the prescribed level of confidence.

Nonsampling error occurs for a variety of reasons, none of which are directly connected to sampling. Examples of nonsampling error include: nonresponse, data incorrectly reported by the respondent, mistakes made in entering collected data into the database, and mistakes made in editing and processing the collected data.

Additional information

The May 2005 OES national data by occupation, comparable to data in table 1, are available on the BLS Web site at Users also may access each occupation's definition and percentile wages. The May 2005 cross-industry data for states and metropolitan areas are available on the BLS Web site. Industry staffing patterns at the sector, 3-, 4-, and selected 5-digit NAICS levels are also available from the Internet. These data include industry-specific occupational employment and wage data. A more detailed technical note for OES is available at

OES information is also available through our regional web page at and on our fax-on-demand system. For a catalog of items available to be faxed to you, call our fax-on-demand number at 816-426-3152. If you have additional questions, you can contact an economist in the Kansas City information office at 816-426-2481. Information in this release will be made available to sensory impaired individuals upon request. Voice phone: 202-691-5200; TDD message referral phone number: 1-800-877-8339.

Table 1. Employment and wage data from the Occupational Employment Statistics survey, by occupation, Topeka, Ks., metropolitan area, May 2005
Occupation Employment Mean wages Median hourly wages
Hourly Annual (1)
Management occupations

Chief executives

440 60.47 125,780 52.02

General and operations managers

1,950 32.43 67,450 29.15


290 (3) (5) (3)

Marketing managers

110 46.48 96,670 42.69

Sales managers

140 49.27 102,480 41.67

Public relations managers

40 37.11 77,200 34.93

Administrative services managers

140 24.90 51,780 23.10

Computer and information systems managers

190 36.29 75,490 35.03

Financial managers

270 38.03 79,110 34.37

Compensation and benefits managers

40 36.27 75,440 36.73

Human resources managers, all other

30 35.14 73,080 35.23

Industrial production managers

70 32.01 66,580 25.85

Purchasing managers

30 35.40 73,630 36.80

Transportation, storage, and distribution managers

80 31.40 65,310 31.69

Construction managers

170 31.72 65,980 29.44

Education administrators, elementary and secondary school

190 (3) 61,570 (3)

Engineering managers

120 42.22 87,820 40.34

Food service managers

180 20.40 42,430 18.44

Medical and health services managers

270 30.87 64,200 27.26

Postmasters and mail superintendents

40 23.45 48,780 24.10

Property, real estate, and community association managers

50 33.71 70,110 32.92

Social and community service managers

110 20.40 42,430 17.92

Managers, all other

280 36.55 76,020 33.19
Business and financial operations occupations

Wholesale and retail buyers, except farm products

60 21.16 44,010 22.67

Purchasing agents, except wholesale, retail, and farm products

260 26.11 54,310 24.51

Claims adjusters, examiners, and investigators

360 22.66 47,130 21.57

Compliance officers, except agriculture, construction, health and safety, and transportation

170 23.00 47,850 20.88

Cost estimators

220 27.66 57,530 22.04

Employment, recruitment, and placement specialists

70 22.54 46,880 20.42

Compensation, benefits, and job analysis specialists

100 24.72 51,420 23.88

Training and development specialists

190 23.18 48,210 22.90

Human resources, training, and labor relations specialists, all other

130 20.91 43,480 20.23

Management analysts

410 24.41 50,770 21.95

Meeting and convention planners

40 21.34 44,390 20.21

Business operations specialists, all other

910 20.11 41,820 19.08

Accountants and auditors

1,060 23.07 47,990 21.63

Appraisers and assessors of real estate

60 23.85 49,610 21.48

Budget analysts

30 32.99 68,610 33.94

Credit analysts

(4) 19.78 41,130 19.06

Financial analysts

80 24.29 50,530 23.32

Personal financial advisors

80 46.63 96,990 57.66

Insurance underwriters

80 21.08 43,840 17.56

Loan officers

270 19.64 40,840 18.69

Financial specialists, all other

30 26.56 55,250 26.25
Computer and mathematical occupations

Computer programmers

240 22.52 46,830 21.99

Computer software engineers, applications

400 24.19 50,310 23.71

Computer software engineers, systems software

60 28.84 59,980 28.20

Computer support specialists

300 18.95 39,420 18.13

Computer systems analysts

490 28.09 58,420 28.66

Database administrators

50 28.21 58,670 26.56

Network and computer systems administrators

260 20.94 43,550 19.09

Network systems and data communications analysts

180 24.70 51,380 24.32


70 (5) (5) (5)
Architecture and engineering occupations

Architects, except landscape and naval

60 26.08 54,250 25.37


50 19.97 41,540 19.57

Civil engineers

430 28.02 58,270 26.94

Electrical engineers

(4) 34.88 72,560 33.38

Environmental engineers

60 30.51 63,470 29.58

Mechanical engineers

50 26.24 54,580 26.21

Architectural and civil drafters

70 18.03 37,500 17.56

Mechanical drafters

30 18.65 38,790 17.68

Drafters, all other

30 20.23 42,070 20.37

Civil engineering technicians

340 17.54 36,480 17.31

Electrical and electronic engineering technicians

70 21.88 45,510 22.29

Surveying and mapping technicians

50 11.87 24,680 10.52
Life, physical, and social science occupations


40 19.82 41,220 18.96

Environmental scientists and specialists, including health

220 23.41 48,680 23.03

Market research analysts

140 21.06 43,800 20.18

Survey researchers

120 17.66 36,730 16.85

Clinical, counseling, and school psychologists

100 30.69 63,830 25.63

Forest and conservation technicians

(4) 17.83 37,080 18.65
Community and social services occupations

Substance abuse and behavioral disorder counselors

70 16.56 34,440 16.14

Educational, vocational, and school counselors

140 20.09 41,790 20.35

Mental health counselors

(4) 13.27 27,600 14.10

Rehabilitation counselors

50 15.22 31,660 15.60

Child, family, and school social workers

390 15.24 31,710 14.96

Medical and public health social workers

110 20.87 43,400 20.61

Mental health and substance abuse social workers

230 17.10 35,560 16.46

Health educators

50 16.16 33,620 14.04

Social and human service assistants

420 11.27 23,450 10.75

Community and social service specialists, all other

60 13.08 27,200 13.05


30 19.69 40,950 18.67
Legal occupations


600 39.42 82,000 30.22

Administrative law judges, adjudicators, and hearing officers

40 32.83 68,280 28.96

Paralegals and legal assistants

150 16.73 34,800 15.47

Law clerks

80 12.56 26,120 11.61

Title examiners, abstractors, and searchers

40 13.40 27,880 12.25

Legal support workers, all other

260 16.77 34,880 16.46
Education, training, and library occupations

Preschool teachers, except special education

100 10.94 22,760 10.13

Kindergarten teachers, except special education

100 (3) 35,910 (3)

Elementary school teachers, except special education

1,730 (3) 33,040 (3)
Middle school teachers, except special and vocational


920 (3) 31,850 (3)

Secondary school teachers, except special and vocational education

1,080 (3) 35,020 (3)

Vocational education teachers, secondary school

110 (3) 40,400 (3)

Special education teachers, preschool, kindergarten, and elementary school

110 (3) 38,120 (3)

Special education teachers, middle school

40 (3) 37,420 (3)

Special education teachers, secondary school

50 (3) 40,720 (3)

Self-enrichment education teachers

110 15.82 32,900 12.87


180 20.91 43,490 20.58

Instructional coordinators

130 24.31 50,560 24.40

Teacher assistants

1,160 (3) 17,620 (3)
Arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations

Floral designers

50 10.55 21,940 10.13

Graphic designers

240 15.19 31,590 15.42

Interior designers

30 17.77 36,960 15.89

Producers and directors

30 16.98 35,320 13.47

Coaches and scouts

170 (3) 23,220 (3)


30 (5) (5) (5)

Radio and television announcers

30 25.19 52,400 16.22

Reporters and correspondents

(4) 10.95 22,780 10.18

Public relations specialists

310 22.33 46,450 19.87


30 18.16 37,760 18.68

Writers and authors

30 16.16 33,610 16.45

Broadcast technicians

50 10.66 22,180 10.32


60 10.37 21,580 9.84

Camera operators, television, video, and motion picture

30 7.45 15,500 6.57
Healthcare practitioners and technical occupations

Dietitians and nutritionists

40 22.26 46,310 21.28


200 39.38 81,920 39.87

Family and general practitioners

(4) 86.69 180,310 (2)

Physicians and surgeons, all other

40 64.69 134,540 63.00

Physician assistants

60 33.10 68,840 33.22

Registered nurses

2,930 23.57 49,020 22.68

Occupational therapists

130 27.18 56,540 26.20

Physical therapists

200 29.41 61,170 29.05

Recreational therapists

40 18.17 37,790 16.14

Respiratory therapists

(4) 20.32 42,270 20.18

Speech-language pathologists

80 26.61 55,360 24.55


50 26.73 55,600 25.27

Health diagnosing and treating practitioners, all other

80 80.19 166,790 (2)

Medical and clinical laboratory technologists

(4) 22.15 46,060 21.33

Medical and clinical laboratory technicians

120 13.27 27,610 12.59

Dental hygienists

(4) 32.04 66,640 31.91

Cardiovascular technologists and technicians

60 18.43 38,330 18.49

Diagnostic medical sonographers

60 23.83 49,560 24.65

Radiologic technologists and technicians

150 20.87 43,410 20.58

Dietetic technicians

(4) 7.52 15,630 7.66

Pharmacy technicians

230 11.78 24,510 10.88

Surgical technologists

(4) 13.85 28,820 13.44

Veterinary technologists and technicians

60 11.70 24,330 10.71

Licensed practical and licensed vocational nurses

730 16.20 33,690 16.16

Medical records and health information technicians

170 14.10 29,330 14.54

Opticians, dispensing

(4) 10.37 21,560 10.45

Occupational health and safety specialists

60 21.36 44,420 20.14
Healthcare support occupations

Home health aides

1,030 10.43 21,690 10.11

Nursing aides, orderlies, and attendants

1,620 10.76 22,380 10.37

Psychiatric aides

350 9.67 20,120 9.56

Occupational therapist assistants

40 20.47 42,570 21.52

Physical therapist assistants

160 19.79 41,150 19.34

Physical therapist aides

30 11.28 23,470 11.37

Massage therapists

(4) 9.49 19,730 8.41

Dental assistants

200 12.94 26,920 12.90

Medical assistants

210 10.47 21,780 10.31

Medical transcriptionists

130 13.54 28,170 13.23

Pharmacy aides

(4) 8.05 16,750 8.06

Healthcare support workers, all other

90 12.32 25,630 11.08
Protective service occupations

Fire fighters

960 20.50 42,640 23.11

Detectives and criminal investigators

180 22.43 46,660 23.03

Police and sheriff's patrol officers

720 17.35 36,090 17.63

Security guards

550 9.69 20,140 8.46
Food preparation and serving related occupations

Chefs and head cooks

100 11.11 23,110 10.06

First-line supervisors/managers of food preparation and serving workers

650 11.67 24,270 10.96

Cooks, fast food

380 6.66 13,840 6.50

Cooks, institution and cafeteria

580 10.15 21,120 9.52

Cooks, restaurant

380 8.78 18,260 8.54

Cooks, short order

280 6.91 14,370 6.54

Food preparation workers

610 7.28 15,140 7.27


400 6.81 14,160 6.60

Combined food preparation and serving workers, including fast food

1,580 7.37 15,330 7.28

Counter attendants, cafeteria, food concession, and coffee shop

300 6.19 12,870 6.21

Waiters and waitresses

1,740 6.94 14,440 6.53

Food servers, nonrestaurant

(4) 6.58 13,690 6.40

Dining room and cafeteria attendants and bartender helpers

120 6.99 14,550 6.81


380 6.92 14,390 7.01

Hosts and hostesses, restaurant, lounge, and coffee shop

240 7.53 15,650 7.50
Building and grounds cleaning and maintenance occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of housekeeping and janitorial workers

160 13.69 28,470 14.02

First-line supervisors/managers of landscaping, lawn service, and groundskeeping workers

80 17.41 36,210 16.30

Janitors and cleaners, except maids and housekeeping cleaners

1,750 9.63 20,030 9.19

Maids and housekeeping cleaners

560 7.85 16,320 7.79

Pest control workers

40 13.15 27,350 12.92

Landscaping and groundskeeping workers

440 9.52 19,790 9.30
Personal care and service occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of personal service workers

80 13.23 27,510 12.29

Nonfarm animal caretakers

160 7.59 15,790 6.86

Amusement and recreation attendants

200 6.78 14,110 6.49

Hairdressers, hairstylists, and cosmetologists

200 11.86 24,670 10.02

Child care workers

510 7.95 16,540 7.84

Fitness trainers and aerobics instructors

130 9.38 19,510 9.43

Recreation workers

220 9.01 18,740 8.24
Sales and related occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of retail sales workers

870 15.71 32,680 13.57

First-line supervisors/managers of non-retail sales workers

180 31.65 65,830 26.72


2,700 8.02 16,680 7.61

Counter and rental clerks

340 9.01 18,730 8.71

Parts salespersons

190 12.15 25,280 10.57

Retail salespersons

3,380 10.22 21,260 8.72

Advertising sales agents

120 17.25 35,880 11.98

Insurance sales agents

250 22.23 46,250 16.65

Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents

180 28.18 58,620 26.13

Sales representatives, services, all other

220 27.30 56,790 24.60

Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, technical and scientific products

190 27.13 56,430 25.84

Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products

700 26.91 55,970 23.84

Real estate sales agents

60 19.68 40,930 19.31

Sales and related workers, all other

90 19.34 40,230 16.02
Office and administrative support occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of office and administrative support workers

1,480 18.99 39,510 17.82

Switchboard operators, including answering service

150 10.25 21,330 10.04

Bill and account collectors

380 11.77 24,480 11.69

Billing and posting clerks and machine operators

320 12.18 25,340 11.92

Bookkeeping, accounting, and auditing clerks

1,630 13.35 27,770 13.01

Payroll and timekeeping clerks

210 15.43 32,090 15.49

Procurement clerks

50 14.40 29,950 14.89


620 9.76 20,300 9.66

Court, municipal, and license clerks

160 14.81 30,800 14.91

Credit authorizers, checkers, and clerks

40 10.34 21,500 8.54

Customer service representatives

(4) 13.11 27,270 12.16

File clerks

180 10.54 21,930 9.48

Hotel, motel, and resort desk clerks

160 7.46 15,510 7.23

Interviewers, except eligibility and loan

140 11.35 23,610 10.61

Library assistants, clerical

150 9.67 20,120 9.80

Loan interviewers and clerks

80 12.95 26,940 12.04

Order clerks

150 12.93 26,900 12.41

Human resources assistants, except payroll and timekeeping

120 16.27 33,840 16.25

Receptionists and information clerks

890 9.56 19,880 9.41

All other information and record clerks

210 18.27 37,990 16.65

Couriers and messengers

230 7.56 15,720 6.99

Police, fire, and ambulance dispatchers

(4) 10.90 22,660 10.55

Dispatchers, except police, fire, and ambulance

120 12.76 26,530 10.68

Meter readers, utilities

130 12.97 26,980 14.20

Postal service clerks

60 23.24 48,340 23.84

Postal service mail carriers

330 20.79 43,230 21.93

Postal service mail sorters, processors, and processing machine operators

190 20.00 41,590 21.21

Production, planning, and expediting clerks

140 19.22 39,970 19.46

Shipping, receiving, and traffic clerks

830 13.77 28,630 11.43

Stock clerks and order fillers

1,490 11.25 23,410 10.51

Weighers, measurers, checkers, and samplers, recordkeeping

(4) 11.93 24,810 10.88

Executive secretaries and administrative assistants

2,520 13.63 28,350 12.89

Legal secretaries

280 12.18 25,330 11.80

Medical secretaries

340 13.84 28,790 12.94

Secretaries, except legal, medical, and executive

1,210 10.91 22,680 10.51

Computer operators

120 14.96 31,120 13.86

Data entry keyers

150 10.58 22,000 10.26

Word processors and typists

30 13.66 28,410 12.80

Insurance claims and policy processing clerks

80 13.44 27,960 12.98

Mail clerks and mail machine operators, except postal service

320 10.41 21,650 10.32

Office clerks, general

1,940 10.61 22,070 10.20

Office and administrative support workers, all other

70 14.10 29,330 14.44
Farming, fishing, and forestry occupations

Farmworkers and laborers, crop, nursery, and greenhouse

30 11.34 23,590 11.37
Construction and extraction occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of construction trades and extraction workers

540 22.91 47,650 22.51

Brickmasons and blockmasons

70 19.15 39,830 20.27


660 16.15 33,580 15.77

Carpet installers

(4) 17.51 36,410 16.96

Tile and marble setters

(4) 24.05 50,020 24.27

Cement masons and concrete finishers

190 16.12 33,530 15.87

Construction laborers

960 12.76 26,540 12.21

Paving, surfacing, and tamping equipment operators

90 14.42 30,000 14.59

Operating engineers and other construction equipment operators

490 17.60 36,610 18.52

Drywall and ceiling tile installers

80 14.65 30,460 14.27


40 16.36 34,020 16.72


370 20.53 42,710 22.38

Insulation workers, floor, ceiling, and wall

(4) 13.12 27,300 12.40

Painters, construction and maintenance

160 14.48 30,120 13.28


(4) 13.56 28,200 12.73

Plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters

530 19.29 40,120 19.37

Sheet metal workers

160 18.63 38,750 19.97

Helpers--brickmasons, blockmasons, stonemasons, and tile and marble setters

110 12.54 26,090 10.97


100 11.23 23,360 10.35


50 11.23 23,360 11.36

Helpers--pipelayers, plumbers, pipefitters, and steamfitters

40 11.06 23,000 9.90

Construction and building inspectors

50 21.36 44,430 20.08

Highway maintenance workers

150 13.34 27,750 13.05
Installation, maintenance, and repair occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of mechanics, installers, and repairers

590 23.48 48,840 22.71

Computer, automated teller, and office machine repairers

210 15.87 33,020 15.77

Electric motor, power tool, and related repairers

(4) 15.73 32,720 15.44

Electrical and electronics repairers, commercial and industrial equipment

40 22.16 46,100 23.19

Electrical and electronics repairers, powerhouse, substation, and relay

60 24.95 51,890 26.33

Aircraft mechanics and service technicians

200 19.62 40,810 21.15

Automotive body and related repairers

80 17.89 37,220 17.01

Automotive glass installers and repairers

(4) 19.79 41,170 20.01

Automotive service technicians and mechanics

640 15.07 31,340 14.25

Bus and truck mechanics and diesel engine specialists

180 15.82 32,900 15.41

Farm equipment mechanics

70 13.02 27,080 12.75

Mobile heavy equipment mechanics, except engines

180 18.12 37,700 18.06

Tire repairers and changers

150 8.34 17,350 7.92

Control and valve installers and repairers, except mechanical door

40 21.83 45,410 21.32

Heating, air conditioning, and refrigeration mechanics and installers

160 18.35 38,160 17.98

Home appliance repairers

(4) 16.11 33,510 16.42

Industrial machinery mechanics

220 22.64 47,090 22.52

Maintenance and repair workers, general

1,010 17.49 36,370 17.50

Maintenance workers, machinery

80 18.01 37,470 16.43

Electrical power-line installers and repairers

140 24.97 51,940 25.20

Telecommunications line installers and repairers

120 20.18 41,980 21.21

Precision instrument and equipment repairers, all other

(4) 14.98 31,160 13.29

Coin, vending, and amusement machine servicers and repairers

50 13.72 28,550 13.70

Helpers--installation, maintenance, and repair workers

100 9.47 19,690 9.60

Installation, maintenance, and repair workers, all other

60 15.56 32,370 13.63
Production occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of production and operating workers

420 24.72 51,410 24.24

Structural metal fabricators and fitters

30 14.99 31,170 15.82

Team assemblers

350 12.61 26,230 10.41

Assemblers and fabricators, all other

50 12.93 26,900 12.45


80 11.34 23,590 10.51

Butchers and meat cutters

100 13.32 27,710 12.72

Food cooking machine operators and tenders

80 16.75 34,830 16.68

Cutting, punching, and press machine setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic

140 14.54 30,230 15.00

Grinding, lapping, polishing, and buffing machine tool setters, operators, and tenders, metal and plastic

(4) 12.46 25,910 11.62


(4) 18.09 37,630 18.24

Welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers

80 13.76 28,630 12.64

Bindery workers

240 9.18 19,100 8.21

Prepress technicians and workers

70 14.10 29,330 15.04

Printing machine operators

370 16.26 33,830 16.58

Laundry and dry-cleaning workers

110 8.00 16,650 7.97

Sewing machine operators

(4) 7.99 16,620 7.75


(4) 11.67 24,260 12.25

Cabinetmakers and bench carpenters

40 13.71 28,510 13.28

Woodworking machine setters, operators, and tenders, except sawing

(4) 8.24 17,140 8.16

Power distributors and dispatchers

(4) 24.27 50,480 23.18

Crushing, grinding, and polishing machine setters, operators, and tenders

30 18.09 37,620 19.34

Cutting and slicing machine setters, operators, and tenders

190 15.21 31,630 15.55

Extruding, forming, pressing, and compacting machine setters, operators, and tenders

290 22.05 45,870 21.98

Inspectors, testers, sorters, samplers, and weighers

340 19.30 40,150 20.15

Dental laboratory technicians

(4) 14.13 29,390 12.97

Packaging and filling machine operators and tenders

840 15.72 32,690 16.30

Painters, transportation equipment

(4) 15.80 32,870 15.41

Photographic process workers

30 15.43 32,090 16.56

Molders, shapers, and casters, except metal and plastic

30 10.72 22,300 10.21

Paper goods machine setters, operators, and tenders

(4) 13.12 27,290 13.36

Helpers--production workers

290 13.51 28,110 11.76
Transportation and material moving occupations

First-line supervisors/managers of helpers, laborers, and material movers, hand

100 18.38 38,240 16.88

First-line supervisors/managers of transportation and material-moving machine and vehicle operators

250 23.86 49,630 23.71

Bus drivers, transit and intercity

90 12.08 25,120 13.48

Bus drivers, school

630 11.50 23,920 10.70

Driver/sales workers

290 14.08 29,280 14.44

Truck drivers, heavy and tractor-trailer

1,060 15.39 32,020 14.72

Truck drivers, light or delivery services

560 12.76 26,550 11.54

Taxi drivers and chauffeurs

70 8.25 17,150 8.34

Service station attendants

310 7.88 16,390 7.35

Crane and tower operators

(4) 14.66 30,500 13.97

Excavating and loading machine and dragline operators

(4) 15.39 32,000 15.62

Industrial truck and tractor operators

420 15.02 31,230 14.53

Cleaners of vehicles and equipment

310 8.46 17,590 7.91

Laborers and freight, stock, and material movers, hand

1,220 10.09 21,000 9.22

Packers and packagers, hand

1,010 10.77 22,410 8.82
  1  Annual wages have been calculated by multiplying the hourly mean wage by a 'year-round,
full-time' hours figure of 2,080 hours; for those occupations where there is not an hourly
mean wage published, the annual wage has been directly calculated from the reported survey data.
  2  Represents a wage above $70.00 per hour.
  3  Hourly wage rates for occupations where workers typically work fewer than 2,080 hours per
year are not available.
  4  Indicates that an employment estimate is not available.
  5  Indicates that a wage estimate is not available.
  6  There is a wide variation in the number of hours worked by those employed as actors, dancers,
singers, and musicians.  Many jobs are for the duration of 1 day or 1 week, and it is extremely
rare for a performer to have guaranteed employment for a period that exceeds 3 to 6 months. 
Therefore only hourly wages are available for these occupations.


Last Modified Date: November 29, 2011