RJ Custodio

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Old Dominion University
Political Science
ROTC fact:
Enrolled in Army ROTC his freshman year at Old Dominion University and received a four-year ROTC scholarship.


The Foundation of a Leader

ROTC has definitely helped me decide I want to make the army a career. When I'm in my uniform I feel confident, I have a little pride when I walk.

He's kind of matured a little bit more, growing more independent being in ROTC.

The influence he's gotten from that is definitely the leadership qualities.

I like the mindset that you have to lead from the front, and you can't do so without being physically fit. My physical fitness routine is very different since I've joined the ROTC.

After physical training we go to breakfast at a place called White Hearst Dining Hall. There's definitely a strong connection, a strong sense of brotherhood. I definitely think the friendships I've developed here, will definitely last a lifetime.

Everybody's got different goals; everybody's got different desires, what they want to do in life. The fact that we've all been here training together will definitely be something that will stick with us whether in the military or out of the military.