Leader's Training Course

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The Four Phases Of LTC

Soldier First Phase

Upon arrival, Cadets are immersed in the ways of the Army. They begin Physical Training (PT) and Drill and Ceremony (D&C) which instill self-discipline and prepare them for the rigors and challenges of the upcoming weeks. Cadets also spend time on the Team Development course where they work together to overcome obstacles in simulated tactical situations.

Warrior Leader Phase

This phase builds on the basics Cadets have learned by extending into adventure training in the field. Combat Water Survival Training, rappelling, land navigation and marksmanship training provide physical challenges that test Cadets individually while developing teamwork skills. Also included in this phase are squad tactics, urban combat simulations and orienteering.

Bold Leader Phase

In this phase, Cadets learn squad-level operations by taking part in demanding field exercises. During these exercises each Cadet, in turn, is called upon to lead their squad in every part of a mission—from receiving orders and analyzing the terrain to making a plan and attaining the objective. All the while, Cadets receive detailed feedback on their leadership abilities.

Future Leader Phase

Cadets in this fourth and final phase are given comprehensive guidance from their LTC instructors to get a sense of their accomplishments over the past weeks. While performing continuing daily tasks such as physical fitness, Cadets also arrange and take part in their Family Day, graduation and awards ceremonies.

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Example Daily Events

Each day is unique at LTC, and you can expect to be challenged physically and mentally. See below for just a few examples of the daily activities you will experience.

PHYSICAL TRAININGCadets build their confidence by participating in combat water survival training, rappelling, ropes courses and more.
CLASSROOM TRAININGCadets learn Army values and ethics, study historical examplesofleadership, hear from distinguished guests and get trainedinsquad/team tactics.
WEAPONS TRAININGCadets take part in combat simulations with paintball equipment,andlearn the ins and outs of an M16 in Basic Rifle Marksmanship(BRM)training.
FIELD TRAININGCadets are exposed to land navigation skills, put squad tactics to use in completing a mission.
FEEDBACKInstructors and Cadet Leaders constantly advise Cadets on how theyareprogressing in their leadership skills, and how they can performbetter.

Contact the ROTC Department at your College or University to learn more about the Leader's Training Course. Find Schools


START MOVING FORWARD I have not had a summer ever ever like this before. Twenty-eight days of finding out you're made of. And having fun doing it. It's awesome man. Nowhere else I get to do anything like this.

In my case, it's my junior year so I started a little late to the ROTC, but this allows me to catch up. I'm a transfer student, so that's missing two years of ROTC. But, coming to Leaders Training Course, I think I can be competitive in my Military Science third year.

START REACHING HIGHER Leaders Training Course helps you catch up in the first two years because it's a crash course of all the basics that you learn in the first few years of ROTC. Then, with ROTC, when I graduate, I get commissioned as a Second Lieutenant. I'll be able to start my career and get a huge kick start and be miles ahead of others.

START TESTING LIMITS LTC is awesome, especially the last couple of days when we've been outdoors. Um, I live for this kind of stuff. The rappelling, the ropes course, the water. Learning how to belay properly...And having someone else's life practically in my hands...It's really been exciting.

START BUILDING CONFIDENCE I got to LTC. I couldn't swim. I had to learn how to swim. So jumping out there, you can't see to the bottom, it's kind of scary for me. But, the adrenaline's pumping, and everybody's trying to work together and so. So far so good. I've got over a lot of fears here. I didn't think I would be able to do it but I did it twice. It was great!

START GAINING ADVANTAGES The Army ROTC has provided me with full financial scholarship to pay for my studies and also with a monthly stipend to help pay for my living fees and also with book money every semester. I'm getting paid to go to school basically. To get an education. And it's great.

START LEADING SOONER They give you the opportunity to be a squad leader, a platoon leader. You can go back to college and talk in front of your class. And they actually give you that confidence. Over the last four weeks, I've made amazing friends, gained a lot of confidence, and learned a lot about myself as far as being a leader.

It's a great program. And I'm glad that someone else said those exact words to me. Or else I wouldn't be here today. If you want to have a really fulfilling, exciting two or four years of school, and really learn some amazing skills, this program is definitely for you.