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Cooperative Innovations

Posted March 28, 2012

Innovation is a team sport. None of us would think much of a coach putting only one basketball player on the court in the Final Four to face a full team on the other side, even if that one player was the next Shaq or LeBron.  It takes good players, executing teamwork and strategy to get the ball to the right person who can take the shot at the right time.

One objective of the NAWCAD Strategic Plan is to establish and leverage partnerships and alliances to meet our customers’ needs.  In fact, we’re required by law to establish a technology transfer program to enhance our country’s industrial base and strengthen our economy.  Working together with large and small businesses and other research organizations, NAWCAD is building teams to deliver the next generation of products.

One tool we use is the Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) which gives NAWCAD and Industry or Academia the opportunity to use each other’s ideas, people, material and facilities for mutual benefit.

Some of the CRADA topics we’re working today:

  • Teamed a large company, our materials division is developing improved magnesium-rich primers to reduce corrosion on parts.
  • Partnering with a small business, our support equipment branch is researching application of the NAWCAD patented Fine Water Mist Nozzle to be used in various fire-fighting applications.
  • One large business is using NAWCAD’s Joint Integrated Mission Model for research, test, evaluation, development and/or engineering efforts, while another has submitted a request to work with our analysis team on a Future Aircraft/CVW/CVN 21 Integration Study.
  • A major not-for-profit research lab is working with our test community for research and development of Common Ground Control Systems and Open Autonomy Architectures for vehicles. This is a joint venture between NAWCAD and NAWCWD.
  • An international refining company, working through the Navy International Programs Office, will provide a sample of their renewable aviation fuel to NAWCAD for research, test and evaluation to define the fuel quality.
  • The Future Airborne Capability Environment Consortium is studying a common computing architecture that will support portable, capability specific software applications across Department of Department avionics systems.
  • A small business is working with our Naval Aviation Center for Rotorcraft Advancement on a tool to improve maintenance on rotary wing aircraft.  NAWCAD will perform research, test and evaluation for engineering purposes.

These are only a few of the projects we’re teaming on.  Working together we can move the ball down the court faster.  You can find out more by selecting the “Partnering With Us” tab at the top of the NAWCAD home page.

– RM

1 Comment, Please review our Feedback Guidelines.

Emily Harmn said

Great CRADA topics! It would be great if some of these result in companies locating their offices and maybe manufacturing buildings here in southern Maryland!

March 31, 2012 at 10:39:14 PM EDT


Please review our Feedback Guidelines.


Rear Adm. Randy Mahr

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