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Health Physics Services

Health Physics  Services

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) offers comprehensive health physics services in a number of technical areas for the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), as well as other federal and state agencies.

From radiological facility audits and reviews to dose modeling and technical evaluations, ORISE is nationally-recognized for its health physics support to decontamination and decommissioning (D&D) projects across the United States.

Our health physics services include:

Applied Health  Physics Projects

Applied Health Physics Projects

We work with government agencies and organizations to identify, measure and assess the presence of radiological materials during the D&D process. ORISE health physicists also advise on regulatory compliance issues.

Audit and Assessment Services

Audit and Assessment Services

ORISE conducts audits to confirm that facilities have an adequate radiological control program in place to receive materials in a safe manner.

Dose Modeling and  Assessments

Dose Modeling and Assessments

We perform dose modeling and assessment services to help mitigate radiological exposure risks to workers and the public.

Standards Development

Standards Development

ORISE staff have actively participated in the development of technical standards and guidelines that support environmental assessment and health physics projects across the country.