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Supplier Training

All potential Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) suppliers must complete this required training prior to the finalization of contract-of-work.

The PowerPoint presentation, titled “Understanding the Supply Chain” (compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer), helps train suppliers to better understand the issues and requirements for the purchase of quality-significant items/services.

This supply chain training:

  • provides an overview of the supply chain for these purchases;
  • introduces company procedures, policies and expectations for proper procurement of these items/services, and
  • helps understand roles in acquiring these items/services.

CT-100 Quality Assurance (PDF)

The CT-100 Policy defines requirements and responsibilities for software quality assurance, both commercially obtained and custom developed, and ensures that computer systems at ORISE are operated and maintained in a secure, reliable manner and are operated in accordance with all applicable U.S. Government directives and laws.

Cyber Security Training (PDF)

This training will help ensure compliance with applicable U.S. Government laws and directives and point out your responsibilities for protecting data and cyber resources that you may be working with every day.

For more information, contact:

Procurement and Contracts Administration
Work: 865.576.3049