Digest for S. 3245
112th Congress, 2nd Session
S. 3245
A bill to extend by three years the authorization of the EB-5 Regional Center Program, the E-Verify Program, the Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program, and the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program
Sponsor Leahy (Vermont)
Date September 11, 2012 (112th Congress, 2nd Session)
Staff Contact Sarah Makin

On Tuesday, September 11, 2012, the House is scheduled to consider S. 3245, a bill to extend by three years the authorization of four immigration programs, under a suspension of the rules requiring a two-thirds majority vote for approval.  The bill was introduced on May 24, 2012, by Sen. Pat Leahy (D-VT) and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary.  The Senate approved S. 3245 by unanimous consent.

S. 3245 would extend for three years, the authorization of four immigration programs due to expire on September 30, 2012.  Specifically, the bill would extend the EB-5 Regional Center Program, the E-Verify Program, the Special Immigrant Nonminister Religious Worker Program, and the Conrad State 30 J-1 Visa Waiver Program until September 30, 2015. 

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) has not produced a score for S. 3245.