Sierra Leone

  • USAID helped rebuild primary schools after Sierra Leone’s brutal civil war.

  • Radio broadcasters convey messages of peace and reconciliation.

  • Early and exclusive breastfeeding significantly improves babies’ nutrition.

  • The Ambassadors’ Girls’ Scholarship Program helps vulnerable students stay in school.


Sierra Leone is known worldwide as a country beset with challenges, many of which are the result of the brutal 1991-2002 civil war that destroyed infrastructure and truncated political, social and economic development. The country has high unemployment, the worst mother-child mortality rates in the world and widespread illiteracy. Forty percent of the population is under 19 years old. Sierra Leone is also emerging as one of the most stable countries in a volatile region. In 2007 and 2008, Sierra Leone conducted transparent and credible presidential and local council elections that peacefully ceded leadership to the opposition party. The country is gearing up for the 2012 presidential elections, which if peaceful and democratic will further consolidate the country's transition to a stable and progressive nation. USAID programs continue to support elections and political processes, create livelihood opportunities, improve food security and nutrition, augment civic participation, and build capacity for both rural and urban health service delivery.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

USAID/Sierra Leone
c/o U.S. Embassy, Room 2014
South Ridge - Hill Station
Sierra Leone
+232 76 515000
+232 76 515355

Headquarters Contact

Brianna Fischer
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Last updated: May 31, 2012