Budget & Spending

Less than 1% of the Federal Budget: Building a Better World in more than 100 countries

The Foreign Assistance Dashboard, a joint project of the Department of State and USAID, under the guidance of the National Security staff, explains where U.S. foreign aid is invested. For more information:

  • The Congressional Budget Justification explains the Foreign Operations Budget Request annually to Congress. Within this document are the USAID's Annual Performance Report, which covers the previous fiscal year, and the Annual Performance Plan, which is about the upcoming fiscal year.

  • USAID's Agency Financial Report is part of the Agency's compliance with the Government Performance and Results Act.

  • The annual U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants, or "Greenbook," contains summarized data regarding U.S. foreign assistance since 1945, and detailed data for the last several fiscal years. Foreign assistance is listed by recipient country and organized by geographic region.

  • U.S. Official Development Assistance describes all foreign assistance provided by the U.S. government. This document, published by USAID, is regularly submitted to the Organization for Economic Co-Operation and Development, Development Assistance Committee.

  • The USAID Recovery Act site and Recovery.gov report on USAID programs affected by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

Last updated: July 10, 2012
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