Department of Justice

Department of Justice

Mission Partners: 
Do all employees with ISE-related priorities have "information sharing and collaboration" in their performance appraisals?: 
No Response
How often do personnel without ISE responsibilities have "information sharing and collaboration" as a performance objective?: 
No Response
Have you implemented any mission-specific training that supports information sharing and collaboration?: 
No Response
Does your agency offer an award that includes information sharing and collaboration directly or indirectly as criteria?: 
No Response
Has nomination of candidates for information sharing and collaboration awards increased since it was first offered?: 
No Response
Do you have IT security reciprocity guidelines governing how you accept the security certification of another organization?: 
No Response
Has your agency incorporated Common Information Sharing Technical Standards into your architectures?: 
No Response
Does your agency reference mission segment architectures (e.g. SAR) in implementing ISE mission business processes?: 
No Response
Is your agency able to share terrorism and homeland security information following the ISE Shared Spaces concept?: 
No Response
Have you improved your terrorism information sharing processes by implementing an ISE Shared Space in your organization?: 
No Response
Has access to terrorism information from ISE partners been improved by utilizing their designated ISE Shared Space?: 
No Response
Has your agency submitted an ISE privacy policy to the Privacy and Civil Liberties Sub-Committee?: 
No Response
Have personnel received training on privacy and civil liberties policies, to include your agency's ISE Privacy Policy?: 
No Response
Has your agency mapped at least one IT investment to its information sharing segment architectures?: 
No Response
Has your agency represented all major ISE IT investments in its enterprise transition plans?: 
No Response
Does your agency have interconnection plans for SBU/CUI networks supporting the ISE?: 
No Response
Does your agency have a plan for sharing terrorism and homeland security information across SBU/ CUI networks?: 
No Response
Does your agency have completed, approved information sharing segment architecture?: 
No Response
Does your agency reference the ISE section of the Federal Transition Framework Catalog in building segment architectures?: 
No Response
Has your agency incorporated Common Information Sharing Functional Standards into ISE-related mission business processes?: 
No Response
Has your agency incorporated Common Information Sharing Technical Standards into enterprise architectures and IT capability?: 
No Response
Do Common Information Sharing Functional Standards improve your interfaces and data structure for sharing in the ISE?: 
No Response

Department of Justice

Incorporate CISS Technical Standards.: 
Implement ISE Shared Spaces concept.: 
Ensure privacy protection across the ISE.: 
Make available to appropriate personnel tools & mechanisms for the negotiation of terrorism-related agreements & arrangements.: 
Mission Partners: 
Add information sharing elements to employee performance appraisals: 
Ensure all ISE departments and agencies are developing information sharing and collaboration related mission-specific training.: 
Ensure all ISE departments and agencies are recognizing the potential to share training practices with other agencies/partners.: 
Make information sharing a factor in awards and incentive programs.: 
Work toward systems security reciprocity among federal/state and private sector entities: 
Under Development
Further integrate their IT management structures by mapping at least one IT investment to information sharing architectures: 
Further integrate their IT management structures by representing all major ISE IT investments in enterprise transition plans: 
Further integrate their IT management structures by including at least one information sharing measurement indicator: 
Adopt ISE standards by completing approved information sharing segment architecture: 
Adopt ISE standards to reference the ISE section of the federal Transition Framework Catalog: 
Adopt ISE standards by incorporating CISS Functional Standards into their ISE-related mission business processes: 
Adopt ISE standards by incorporating CISS Functional Standards into enterprise architecture and IT capability: 
Further integrate ISE investment and performance management initiatives into department and agency management structures: 

Department of Justice

Department of Justice Overview

As a counterterrorism tool, the criminal justice system has proven incredibly effective in both incapacitating terrorists and gathering valuable intelligence from and about terrorists. The question of how to overcome obstacles to sharing information among law enforcement and other justice system components is a significant issue in the fight against terrorism. All law enforcement and justice agencies-local, state, and federal-need to find ways to overcome obstacles to sharing information.

Mission Partners: