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Drill Sergeant Creed

Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, confidence, patriotism and mental/physical toughness in new batches of Army recruits. The Army and Soldier creed is displayed as an important part of Basic Training...

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  • Drill Sergeant Creed

    Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, conf...

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: Events Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeant Creed
  • Drill Sergeant Marcos Madrazo

    Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, conf...

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: Events Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeant Marcos Madrazo
  • Drill Sergeant Donta Jones

    Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, conf...

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: Events Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeant Donta Jones
    Drill Sergeant Donta Jones
  • Drill Sergeant Diana Ulloa

    Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, conf...

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: Events Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeant Diana Ulloa
  • Drill Sergeant Jason Harrison

    Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, conf...

    CATEGORY: Events

    TAGS: Events Drill Sergeant

    Drill Sergeant Jason Harrison

    Private Slotter answers Matthew from Baton Rouge, Louisiana who asks; "Do you ha...

    Private Slotter
  • Creed

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Drill Sergeant Creed

Two drill sergeants talk proudly of their crucial role in instilling pride, confidence, patriotism and mental/physical toughness in new batches of Army recruits. The Army and Soldier creed is displayed as an important part of Basic Training...

Drill Sergeant Donta Jones: I am a Drill Sergeant. I will assist each individual in their efforts to become a highly motivated, well disciplined, physically and mentally fit Soldier, capable of defeating any enemy on today's modern battlefield.
Drill Sergeant Diana Ulloa: I will instill pride in all I train. Pride in self, in the Army, and in Country.
Drill Sergeant Marcos Madrazo: I will insist that each Soldier meets and maintains the Army standards of military bearing and courtesy, consistent with the highest traditions of the U.S. Army.
Drill Sergeant Donta Jones: I will lead by example, never requiring a Soldier to attempt any task I would not do myself.
Drill Sergeant Diana Ulloa: But first, last, and always, I am an American Soldier.
Drill Sergeant Marcos Madrazo: Sworn to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic.
Drill Sergeant Donta Jones I am a Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant Diana Ulloa: I am a Drill Sergeant
Drill Sergeant Marcos Madrazo: I am a Drill Sergeant
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