Inventors Eye
September 2010; volume one, issue four.0

The USPTO's bimonthly publication for the independent inventor community

USPTO Director David Kappos speaks to the crowd behind the U.S. Department of Commerce podium after being sworn in.

USPTO Year in Review – and a Look Forward

It has been just over one year since I was sworn in as director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office and I’d like to use the opportunity to take stock of where we are, and also to let you know about things we are working on for the coming fiscal year to address our goals of reducing the patent backlog, improving quality and providing more assistance to the independent inventor community.

For independent inventors, having a patent opens the door to critical funding that can move innovation from the drawing board to the marketplace. The creation of new jobs fuels our economy and keeps the United States in a worldwide leadership role in the development of new technologies that can benefit everyone. The USPTO is strongly committed to the independent inventor community and we are working at all levels to provide assistance to independent inventors during their patent prosecution.

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The National Trademark Expo Set for October 15 and16

If you are in the Washington, D.C., area on October 15 and 16, be sure to stop by the United States Patent and Trademark Office main campus in Alexandria, Va., for the USPTO’s third annual National Trademark Expo. 

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 USPTO Trademarks mascot T. Markey poses with Green Giant mascot Lil Sprout.
Spark of Genius
Your Inspiration Could be at our Next Conference

One of the most important events held here at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) is the annual Independent Inventors Conference hosted at the USPTO Headquarters in Alexandria, Va. 

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 Independent Inventor Assistance Program Administrator John Calvert poses with independent inventor of The Mitt and What’s Next? George Peters.
  Two clerks do research in the United States Patent Office in 1925.
Patent and Trademark Resources

Many independent inventors have discovered that there is a free resource in their state,
  Two different inventive robots meet in a futuristic room. One is a walking subwoofer and the other is a rolling bulldozer robot.
Where Inventors Meet

October 2010, 6th @ 7 p.m. Arizona’s Inventor Network Source Public Meeting Phoenix, Ariz.
  A circle of light bulbs of different colors, signifying a unity of ideas.

Organizations and resources for the independent inventor community.
in this issue
USPTO Year in Review – and a Look Forward
By David Kappos: Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
The National Trademark Expo Set for October 15 and 16
By Jeff Look: Office of the Chief Communications Officer
Spark of Genius
Your Inspiration Could be at our Next Conference
By Cathie Kirik: Inventors Assistance Program
Patent and Trademark Resources
Where Independent Inventors Meet
Organizations for Inventors


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