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​The NIEM website is a comprehensive resource for NIEM developers and implementers.

Search for an IEPD to reuse, learn more about how to use NIEM, or get tips and tricks from NIEM experts. NIEM offers support, help desk, governance, community, and tools, as well as training on IEPD development and implementation.

Whether you're developing your first exchange or searching for an IEPD to reuse, the NIEM community is here to help. Explore and get the support, tools, tips, and expertise you need to make your next exchange a success.

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Find out how NIEM:

  • Saves you time by eliminating the time-consuming need to recreate terms
  • Puts you at the cutting edge of government IT
  • Improves your marketability and career opportunities
  • Comprehensively addresses your needs as a user, offering support, help desk, governance, community, training, and tools
  • Offers an active community of users and experts to support you and help you get the most out of your exchanges

Developers, check here for the latest Production Releases and Technical Re​ferences.

​The NTAC started a documentation structure that includes specifications and associated sample artifacts at This directory contains the official NIEM technical specifications, guidance, and other resources. ​​​



  • N.25 Radiation & Nuclear Detection Message Protocol is an electronic messaging protocol for exchange of data associated with radiation and nuclear detection activities.
    Current average rating is 0 star.
  • The Terrorist Watchlist Person Data Exchange Standard (TWPDES) 3.0 documentation directory houses each of the Information Exchange Package Documentations (IEPDs) which provide additional details regarding specific application domain. Sample XML instances are provided in the IEPDs as well as in the “sample” folder of the package.
    Current average rating is 0 star.
  • NIEM NDR 1-3|Technical
    This Naming and Design Rules (NDR) document specifies XML Schema documents for use with NIEM version 2.0. It represents the design that has evolved from the collaborative work of the NIEM Business Architecture Committee (NBAC) and the NIEM Technical Architecture Committee (NTAC) and their predecessors.
    Current average rating is 3 stars.
  • This case study describes how NIEM was implemented to help improve outcomes for abused and neglected children by enabling timely data sharing between child welfare agencies and courts.
    Current average rating is 3 stars.