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Columbia Basin Fish Accords

On May 2, 2008, Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) signed with other federal agencies, states and Tribes the Columbia Basin Fish Accords (Fish Accords). The memorandum(s) of agreement between the sovereigns are designed to supplement biological opinions for listed salmon and steelhead and the Northwest Power and Conservation Council's fish and wildlife program. They provide firm commitments to hydro, habitat and hatchery actions; greater clarity about biological benefits and secure funding for 10 years.

Under these agreements, the federal agencies and Tribes will work together as partners "on the ground" to provide tangible survival benefits for salmon recovery - by upgrading passage over federal dams, by restoring river and estuary habitat, and by creative use of hatcheries.

Tribal Affairs actively works with other BPA business units that the agency is fully complying with its commitments in the Fish Accords.

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