U.S., Polish Air Forces agree to personnel exchange program

Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Polish Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Lech Majewski sign the Military Personnel Exchange Program Memorandum of Understanding May 30, 2012 at a ceremony witnessed by U.S. Embassy Chargé d’affaires William Heidt and Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak. The MOU is the first of its kind in Central Europe and a significant step for both Air Forces. Through MPEP, the U.S. and Polish Air Forces exchange military officers in each other's Services. Along with family members, several Air Force Captains will work and live alongside their Allies. MPEP promotes mutual understanding and trust, enhances interoperability, strengthens air force-to-air force ties, and develops long-term professional and personal relationships. The Air Force officers and their families are expected to be in-place by the end of 2013 at Powidz and Krzesiny Air Bases in Poland, and at Luke and Pope Air Force Bases in Arizona and North Carolina. View at highest resolution (800 by 466 pixels)

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Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Norton Schwartz and Polish Air Force Commander Lt. Gen. Lech Majewski sign the Military Personnel Exchange Program Memorandum of Understanding May 30, 2012 at a ceremony witnessed by U.S. Embassy Chargé d’affaires William Heidt and Defense Minister Tomasz Siemoniak. The MOU is the first of its kind in Central Europe and a significant step for both Air Forces. Through MPEP, the U.S. and Polish Air Forces exchange military officers in each other's Services. Along with family members, several Air Force Captains will work and live alongside their Allies. MPEP promotes mutual understanding and trust, enhances interoperability, strengthens air force-to-air force ties, and develops long-term professional and personal relationships. The Air Force officers and their families are expected to be in-place by the end of 2013 at Powidz and Krzesiny Air Bases in Poland, and at Luke and Pope Air Force Bases in Arizona and North Carolina.

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