Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2011 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
Data Tables Appendix

Table 8_2_3.1
Hospital patients with pneumonia who received the initial antibiotic dose within 6 hours of hospital arrival, United States,a 2007-2009
    2009 2008 2007
Population group Number Percent SE Percent SE Percent SE
Total   551,011 94.8 0.03 93.5 0.03 93.3 0.04
Gender Male 264,404 95.1 0.04 93.9 0.05 93.6 0.06
Female 286,562 94.4 0.04 93.1 0.05 93.0 0.06
Race/ethnicity White 421,884 95.3 0.03 94.3 0.04 94.2 0.04
Black 65,967 92.4 0.10 91.0 0.11 90.7 0.14
Hispanic 35,275 92.9 0.14 88.4 0.17 88.1 0.21
American Indian/Alaska Native 3,752 91.4 0.46 90.5 0.48 90.1 0.60
Asian 9,842 95.3 0.21 93.1 0.26 93.4 0.32
Age Under 65 208,596 94.0 0.05 92.5 0.06 92.1 0.07
65-74 108,434 95.0 0.07 93.7 0.07 93.5 0.09
75-84 134,044 95.4 0.06 94.1 0.06 94.0 0.07
85 and over 99,937 95.4 0.07 94.2 0.07 94.3 0.09

a. 2009 data do not include data from the U.S. territories (Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands); other years do not include Guam and U.S. Virgin Islands.

Key: SE: standard error.

Source: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare Quality Improvement Organization Program.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care