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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2011 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
Data Tables Appendix

Table 6_1_3.1_3
Infant mortality per 1,000 live births, birth weight less than 1,500 grams, by State, 2002-2005a
  2005 2004 2003 2002
State Rate SE Rate SE Rate SE Rate SE
United States 245.0 2.2 244.5 2.2 252.0 2.3 250.8 2.3
Alabama 241.6 15.2 223.3 15.2 219.9 14.8 247.3 15.9
Alaska 207.9 49.9 177.5 41.1 228.3 53.9 DSU DSU
Arizona 287.4 18.1 295.8 18.6 273.6 18.5 286.1 19.4
Arkansas 220.4 20.3 219.6 19.8 252.9 22.7 239.3 22.6
California 230.3 6.5 226.1 6.6 227.7 6.6 237.3 6.9
Colorado 281.2 19.9 262.1 19.3 270.7 19.3 232.9 17.8
Connecticut 241.2 21.0 209.1 19.6 233.6 21.3 266.3 22.3
Delaware 315.9 41.0 300.6 46.2 272.3 38.4 307.7 42.7
District of Columbia 320.9 44.4 292.8 41.3 251.9 42.9 261.7 40.3
Florida 257.5 9.4 248.6 9.4 264.3 10.0 257.8 9.9
Georgia 244.1 10.7 275.0 11.7 278.6 12.1 288.7 12.7
Hawaii 253.5 35.9 248.6 35.4 289.0 37.6 252.8 34.1
Idaho 243.6 34.5 249.5 34.8 257.8 37.6 256.3 40.2
Illinois 260.2 10.6 257.1 10.3 274.9 10.9 250.4 10.2
Indiana 277.7 16.2 280.9 16.7 268.7 16.5 293.8 17.8
Iowa 208.0 21.7 158.9 19.0 208.1 23.7 232.1 25.5
Kansas 272.1 25.5 272.0 25.1 266.7 27.4 296.0 27.3
Kentucky 191.3 15.7 181.1 15.3 189.5 16.0 184.5 15.7
Louisiana 221.3 14.0 257.7 15.3 234.6 14.2 267.7 15.9
Maine 311.5 47.3 283.8 49.6 247.0 43.6 174.1 35.6
Maryland 249.4 14.8 272.0 15.1 282.1 16.0 240.3 14.6
Massachusetts 214.3 15.4 210.1 14.8 225.8 15.8 216.9 15.5
Michigan 290.4 13.3 281.3 13.0 308.7 13.5 293.7 13.6
Minnesota 191.7 16.0 174.0 15.8 182.3 16.8 203.1 17.2
Mississippi 262.0 18.3 242.7 17.8 240.8 17.6 261.7 18.9
Missouri 252.1 16.2 247.5 16.1 264.0 16.4 274.0 17.2
Montana 263.2 54.0 169.2 39.0 227.5 47.7 304.5 56.5
Nebraska 192.3 27.1 272.0 32.6 215.9 28.9 273.6 32.5
Nevada 191.5 21.9 251.0 26.7 211.0 24.2 203.8 24.4
New Hampshire 217.4 37.9 286.8 44.8 176.6 35.6 223.3 41.7
New Jersey 204.6 11.8 229.3 12.6 225.2 12.2 216.8 12.2
New Mexico 217.9 27.0 225.1 27.5 218.7 28.3 211.8 26.9
New York 225.3 8.6 229.1 8.4 241.3 8.8 230.4 8.6
North Carolina 281.9 12.5 272.5 12.3 264.6 12.6 261.3 12.3
North Dakota 250.0 55.9 263.2 54.0 366.7 74.6 DSU DSU
Ohio 266.1 11.7 258.4 11.8 261.3 11.7 269.0 11.8
Oklahoma 254.7 20.8 243.6 21.0 234.7 21.6 288.6 24.0
Oregon 282.7 27.6 239.6 24.4 247.9 25.6 261.2 26.6
Pennsylvania 259.9 11.7 246.4 11.4 270.9 12.0 271.7 12.2
Rhode Island 261.3 40.7 195.4 35.1 245.5 35.7 238.2 36.0
South Carolina 264.7 16.7 270.9 16.9 254.1 16.5 270.1 18.0
South Dakota 309.2 55.2 259.0 48.4 221.3 47.1 260.7 58.5
Tennessee 225.4 13.5 237.4 14.8 287.5 16.6 265.5 15.8
Texas 226.8 7.0 224.1 7.0 238.5 7.4 219.9 7.3
Utah 194.1 20.9 238.8 23.8 231.5 23.1 255.8 26.1
Vermont DSU DSU DSU DSU 280.1 69.2 DSU DSU
Virginia 260.2 13.7 262.8 14.2 272.0 14.6 259.6 14.1
Washington 228.3 19.1 235.6 18.1 247.9 19.5 240.6 19.5
West Virginia 215.0 27.7 255.9 32.5 246.7 32.7 283.4 34.2
Wisconsin 274.0 19.4 262.0 19.4 280.1 19.8 271.9 20.1
Wyoming 253.2 60.4 277.3 59.2 DSU DSU DSU DSU

a. Estimates are age adjusted to 2000 U.S. standard population.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Linked Birth and Infant Death Data.


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