Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2011 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
Data Tables Appendix

Table 1_3_5.1
Patients with colon cancer who received recommended treatment: resected colon specimen had at least 12 regional lymph nodes pathologically examined, United States, 2004-2008
    2008 2007 2006 2005 2004
Population group Number Percent SE Number Percent SE Number Percent SE Number Percent SE Number Percent SE
Total   36,480 81.2 0.2 36,853 77.0 0.2 37,087 67.0 0.2 37,135 60.2 0.3 37,748 55.2 0.3
Anatomic location Right 18,539 87.0 0.3 18,746 83.9 0.3 18,701 74.9 0.3 18,744 68.2 0.3 18,887 63.9 0.4
Transverse 3,478 77.9 0.7 3,484 72.8 0.8 3,449 63.4 0.8 3,443 56.8 0.8 3,496 52.6 0.8
Sigmoid 13,403 74.3 0.4 13,619 68.8 0.4 13,857 57.3 0.4 13,714 50.3 0.4 14,167 44.4 0.4
Age Under age 40 787 92.1 1.0 722 90.3 1.1 737 83.6 1.4 698 78.4 1.6 676 74.1 1.7
40-49 2,290 87.4 0.7 2,229 83.9 0.8 2,324 75.1 0.9 2,269 70.3 1.0 2,298 65.7 1.0
50-59 6,136 81.7 0.5 6,126 78.5 0.5 6,062 68.7 0.6 5,894 62.5 0.6 5,801 57.2 0.7
60-69 8,518 81.1 0.4 8,699 76.7 0.5 8,379 66.5 0.5 8,375 59.4 0.5 8,638 54.7 0.5
70-79 9,698 80.5 0.4 10,008 75.5 0.4 10,495 65.8 0.5 10,693 58.8 0.5 11,070 53.8 0.5
80 and over 8,080 79.4 0.5 8,103 75.4 0.5 8,091 64.1 0.5 8,192 57.4 0.6 8,169 51.9 0.6
Race AI/AN 95 77.9 4.3 81 72.8 4.9 62 61.3 6.2 65 52.3 6.2 66 40.9 6.1
Asian 922 81.6 1.3 924 76.3 1.4 932 69.0 1.5 876 64.7 1.6 895 59.4 1.6
NHOPI DSU DSU DSU 30 90.0 5.5 DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU 34 76.5 7.3
Black only 4,404 80.0 0.6 4,342 76.3 0.7 4,367 66.0 0.7 4,199 58.6 0.8 4,379 53.9 0.8
White only 30,442 81.4 0.2 30,837 77.2 0.2 31,044 67.1 0.3 31,396 60.2 0.3 31,746 55.1 0.3
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 1,684 80.0 1.0 1,583 77.3 1.1 1,629 67.5 1.2 1,556 61.3 1.2 1,518 57.0 1.3
Non-Hispanic, other 988 81.9 1.2 978 76.1 1.4 958 68.7 1.5 922 63.7 1.6 941 59.0 1.6
Non-Hispanic, Black 4,093 80.3 0.6 3,970 76.2 0.7 3,968 66.1 0.8 3,808 58.6 0.8 3,954 53.8 0.8
Non-Hispanic, White 26,538 81.4 0.2 26,618 77.0 0.3 26,644 67.1 0.3 27,106 60.4 0.3 27,397 55.1 0.3
Health insurance, under age 65 Private 9,643 83.6 0.4 9,652 78.9 0.4 9,233 69.9 0.5 8,888 63.2 0.5 8,775 58.2 0.5
Public only 22,827 80.3 0.3 23,095 75.9 0.3 23,245 65.5 0.3 23,411 58.5 0.3 23,825 53.2 0.3
Uninsured/other 4,010 80.9 0.6 4,106 79.0 0.6 4,609 68.5 0.7 4,836 62.9 0.7 5,148 59.4 0.7
Health insurance, age 65 and over Medicare only 3,521 81.4 0.7 3,605 75.1 0.7 3,974 64.6 0.8 5,013 57.4 0.7 5,234 52.1 0.7
Medicare and supplement 15,939 80.1 0.3 16,242 76.1 0.3 16,244 65.4 0.4 15,526 58.6 0.4 15,746 53.4 0.4
Family incomea Negative/poor 208 84.6 2.5 230 78.7 2.7 208 68.8 3.2 204 56.9 3.5 199 55.3 3.5
Near poor/low 24,934 80.6 0.3 25,296 76.2 0.3 25,744 66.3 0.3 25,568 58.7 0.3 26,154 53.6 0.3
Middle 8,231 83.2 0.4 8,318 79.9 0.4 8,229 69.5 0.5 8,473 64.1 0.5 8,458 59.4 0.5
High 834 84.1 1.3 819 79.0 1.4 857 70.0 1.6 844 66.5 1.6 864 62.5 1.7
Location of patient residenceb Metropolitan 28,368 81.7 0.2 28,670 77.9 0.3 29,134 68.0 0.3 29,339 61.4 0.3 29,850 56.2 0.3
  Large metropolitan 17,230 82.3 0.3 17,404 78.3 0.3 17,702 68.6 0.4 18,180 62.3 0.4 18,327 57.5 0.4
  Small metropolitan 11,138 80.9 0.4 11,266 77.2 0.4 11,432 67.0 0.4 11,159 59.9 0.5 11,523 54.2 0.5
Micropolitan 3,206 77.8 0.7 3,242 73.3 0.8 3,211 60.5 0.9 3,218 52.1 0.9 3,167 48.1 0.9
Noncore 2,453 80.4 0.8 2,527 74.6 0.9 2,476 66.2 1.0 2,342 58.8 1.0 2,466 53.0 1.0
  Noncore, adjacent 1,939 80.4 0.9 1,944 75.0 1.0 1,878 66.6 1.1 1,842 59.1 1.2 1,944 52.2 1.1
  Noncore, rural 514 80.7 1.7 583 73.2 1.8 598 64.9 2.0 500 57.6 2.2 522 55.75 2.17

a. Negative/poor refers to household incomes below the Federal poverty line; near poor/low, the poverty line to just below 200 percent of the poverty line; middle, 200 percent to just below 400 percent of the poverty line; and high, 400 percent of the poverty line and over.  Family income is based on median ZIP Code income as of Census 2000.

b. Large metropolitan refers to areas with a population of at least one million; small metropolitan refers to areas with a population of less than one million.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian/Alaska Native; NHOPI: Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; SE: standard error.

Source: Commission on Cancer, American College of Surgeons and American Cancer Society, National Cancer Data Base.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care