Skip Navigation U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Agency for Healthcare Research Quality
2011 National Healthcare Quality & Disparities Reports
Data Tables Appendix

Table 1_1_5.1
Breast cancer deaths per 100,000 female population per year,a 2004-2007
    2007 2006 2005 2004
Population group Number Rate SE Number Rate SE Number Rate SE Number Rate SE
Total   40,598 22.9 0.1 40,820 23.5 0.1 41,116 24.1 0.1 40,954 24.4 0.1
Age, not age adjusted 0-17 DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU DSU
18-44 2,532 4.5 0.1 2,723 4.9 0.1 2,856 5.1 0.1 2,906 5.2 0.1
45-64 14,640 37.3 0.3 14,855 38.7 0.3 14,772 39.6 0.3 14,606 40.3 0.3
65 and over 23,425 106.9 0.7 23,241 107.6 0.7 23,488 109.9 0.7 23,442 110.9 0.7
Race AI/AN 168 12.7 1.0 160 12.8 1.0 166 15.2 1.2 169 14.8 1.2
API 787 11.1 0.4 829 12.1 0.4 796 12.2 0.4 786 12.7 0.5
Black 5,798 31.4 0.4 5,694 31.6 0.4 5,802 32.8 0.4 5,541 32.2 0.4
White 33,845 22.3 0.1 34,137 22.9 0.1 34,352 23.4 0.1 34,458 23.9 0.1
Ethnicity Hispanic, all races 2,076 14.5 0.3 2,054 15.0 0.3 1,936 15.0 0.4 1,909 15.6 0.4
Non-Hispanic, all races 38,486 23.6 0.1 38,708 24.1 0.1 39,121 24.8 0.1 38,986 25.1 0.1
  Non-Hispanic, Black 5,747 32.2 0.4 5,631 32.2 0.4 5,748 33.5 0.4 5,490 32.9 0.4
  Non-Hispanic, White 31,806 23.0 0.1 32,114 23.5 0.1 32,431 24.0 0.1 32,551 24.5 0.1
Geographic locationb Metropolitan 32,981 22.9 0.1 33,317 23.6 0.1 33,413 24.1 0.1 DNA DNA DNA
  Large central metropolitan 11,412 23.2 0.2 11,495 23.7 0.2 11,568 24.3 0.2 11,661 24.9 0.2
  Large fringe metropolitan 9,762 23.4 0.2 9,753 23.7 0.2 9,850 24.5 0.2 9,813 25.0 0.3
  Medium metropolitan 7,887 22.1 0.3 8,146 23.3 0.3 8,089 23.5 0.3 8,044 24.0 0.3
  Small metropolitan 3,920 22.9 0.4 3,923 23.6 0.4 3,906 23.7 0.4 3,860 24.0 0.4
Micropolitan 4,587 23.2 0.3 4,395 22.6 0.3 4,528 23.7 0.4 4,520 24.0 0.4
Noncore 3,030 22.7 0.4 3,108 23.7 0.4 3,175 24.1 0.4 3,056 23.5 0.4

a. Estimates are age adjusted to 2000 U.S. standard population. Age data are unadjusted. Respondents for which age is not reported are not included in the age adjustment calculations and are excluded from numerators.

b. For more information, see the National Vital Statistics System entry in Appendix A, Data Sources.

DNA - Data have not been analyzed.

DSU - Data do not meet the criteria for statistical reliability, data quality, or confidentiality.

Key: AI/AN: American Indian or Alaska Native; API: Asian or Pacific Islander; SE: standard error.

Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Health Statistics, National Vital Statistics System - Mortality.


AHRQAdvancing Excellence in Health Care