
District News

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Fort Bragg: Avoid school zone traffic jams, walk your child to school

by Sheri Crowe, Fort Bragg, PAO

Fort Bragg, NC | September 21, 2012

Although parents have walked their children to and from school on post for years, Fort Bragg leadership and school officials are now promoting the idea to alleviate traffic congestion in school zone areas, promote Family physical fitness through walking, and ensure for quality Family time before and after school.

"We are in the midst of a promoting our media campaign for our walking children to school program," said Col. Jeffery Sanborn, Fort Bragg garrison commander, during the September School Board meeting. "This is an alternative to driving (children to and from school in congested areas), plus there are some real benefits to it like the fitness factor and spending time with Family.

" Dr. Emily Marsh, North Carolina Schools Department of Defense Education Activity superintendent, said the school plans to inform the Fort Bragg community about the walk your child to school program through a variety of means such as at town hall meetings, through social media, the Paraglide and during monthly Fort Bragg School Board meetings.  

"If your child attends one of our Fort Bragg schools and you live within a mile from the school, give it a try," Marsh said. "It will be a great experience."  Continue reading


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