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  • August Unemployment Drops in 11 of 12 Metro Areas (9/27/2012) - The August local unemployment rate fell in 11 metro areas compared to last year, according to preliminary data released today by the U.S. Department of Labor and IDES.
  • Litchfield Employment Security Services to Relocate (9/24/2012) - Federal budget cuts that could reach $44 million requires that employment assistance at the Litchfield service center on Airport Trail Road to relocate after business concludes on Friday, Sept. 28, IDES said today.
  • Illinois Adds 9,600 Jobs in August (9/20/2012) - Illinois added +9,600 jobs in August and the unemployment rate inched up 0.2 percentage points to 9.1 percent, according to preliminary data released today.

Receiving Extended Unemployment Benefits?

Have you had your interview?

New legislation requires individuals moving from state to federal unemployment benefits, or who have exhausted their first 20 weeks of federal benefits, to complete an in-person interview. IDES will mail forms that must be completed prior to and submitted at your in-person interview. The new law does not allow telephone interviews.

Please note - Failure to complete and submit your paperwork or missing your in-person interview could suspend your benefits.

Paperwork to complete before your interview: