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Health Tip: Don't Leave Kids in the Car Alone

Even for a minute
(*this news item will not be available after 12/17/2012)

By Diana Kohnle
Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Related MedlinePlus Page

(HealthDay News) -- Temperatures inside a car with the windows closed or nearly closed can skyrocket quickly. This can lead to life-threatening hyperthermia (heat stroke).

So caregivers must never leave children inside a car, even on a cloudy day.

The Safe Kids USA website offers these safety reminders:

  • Never leave your child alone inside a car, even for a minute.
  • Always lock your car and trunk when you leave, which will prevent a child from entering a hot car.
  • Let other caregivers know when you have dropped your child off somewhere.
  • Place your purse, briefcase, phone or other necessary item in the backseat next to your child. This will prevent you from leaving your child in the car by mistake.

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Page last updated on 19 September 2012