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Available Classes - Group Training Only

The Travel Training branch will conduct any class it offers to a group formed by an agency at the agency's site of choice. Students may come from their own organization, or may join other federal, state, or local government agencies to fill a class. 

GSA will also customize any course for an organization or develop a new course to meet an agency's special requirements.

Note: Courses listed under the regularly scheduled Available Training tab can be offered as a Group Special. Course can be customized to tailor the agency's specific training needs. Contact the Travel Training Branch for more information!

Below is a list of classes offered as group training only:

Course Name Course Description Course Details Recommended For:

Approving Official's Responsibilities: Federal Travel Regulation

Course Code: TRV-APP104

Identify your responsibilities and requirements for issuing Travel Authorizations and approving travel claims for transportation, subsistence and miscellaneous expense allowances in accordance with the FTR and other applicable regulations.

CLPs: Four (4)

Length: Four hours

Core Hours: 8:30 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.

New supervisors, authorizing and approving officials

Approving Official's Responsibilities: Joint Travel Regulations (JTR) Vol. 2


Course Code: TRV-APP105
This course provides a brief summary of selected specific responsibilities placed on authorizing or approving officials who authorize or approve temporary duty travel by civilian employees of the Department of Defense (DOD).

CLPs: Four (4)

Length: Four hours

Core Hours: 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.

New supervisors, authorizing and approving officials

Temporary Duty Travel for Defense Contractors, Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense Travel Acquisition Regulations Supplements (DFARS)

Course Code: ADV-FAR 205

This course provides a comprehensive discussion of travel and transportation allowances payable to Department of Defense (DoD) contractors. The course will cover relevant authorities governing relocation allowances payable to DoD civilian employees and provides an explanation of relevant terminology used throughout the applicable regulations and rules governing the authorization process for travel and transportation allowances.

Length: Two days

Core Hours: 8:30am - 3:30pm

CLPs: 9

DOD contractors and all employees involved in reviewing travel claims from DOD contractors

Foreign Service Allowances and Travel for Foreign Service Personnel:  Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) and Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR)

Course Code: ADV-FSA 206

This course is designed to benefit all foreign service personnel transferring or stationed overseas and individuals involved in authorization and payment of foreign service allowances. This course does not address allowances related to employee's pay while stationed overseas (e.g., cost of living, adjustments or danger pay).

Length: Three days

Core Hours: 8:30am - 3:30pm

CLPs: 9

Budget officers, authorizing and approving officials, preparers and reviewers of travel documents, and civilian employees of civilian agencies (i.e., agencies other than the DOD) that have statutory authority to provide foreign service allowances and pay for special types of travel contained in the FAM to civilian employees.

Overseas Allowances and Travel for Civilian Employees: Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) and Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR)

Course Code: OVS-FTR101

This course provides a broad overview of relocation allowances for overseas assignment, special allowances related to a civilian employee's overseas assignment and special types of travel paid while a civilian employee stationed at a foreign post of duty.  

Length: Three days

Core Hours:  8:30am - 3:30pm

CLPs: 9

This course is designed to benefit all civilian employees of civilian agencies (other than DOD) transferring or stationed overseas, individuals involved in authorization and payment of civilian employees' overseas allowances and travel, including budget officers, authorizing and approving officials and preparers and reviewers of travel documents

Overseas Allowances and Travel for Department of Defense Employees:  Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Volume 2 and Department of State Standardized Regulations (DSSR)

Course Code: OVS-JTR 201

This course provides a broad overview of relocation allowances for overseas assignment, special allowances related to a Department of Defense (DOD) civilian employee's overseas assignment and special types of travel paid while a DOD civilian employee stationed at a foreign post of duty.  This course does not address allowances related to employee pay while stationed overseas (e.g., cost of living adjustments or danger pay).

Length: Three days

Core Hours: 8:30am - 3:30pm

CLPs: 9

This course is designed to benefit all DOD civilian employees transferring or stationed overseas and individuals involved in authorization and payment of DOD civilian employee's overseas allowances, including budget officers, authorizing and approving officials and preparers and reviewers of travel documents.

Federal Aviation Administration Travel Policy (FAATP)

Course Code: ADV-FAA 204

This course provides a comprehensive discussion of travel and transportation allowances payable to employees of the FAA. Length: Two days

Core Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

CLPs: Nine
All Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) employees, including: occasional and frequent travelers, budget officers, authorizing, supervising and policy officials, preparers and reviewers

Shipping Household Goods
and Transportation Management
Services Solutions (TMSS)

Course Code: REL-SHP 203

This course is designed to heighten your awareness of the entitlements and responsibilities for shipping
HHG and the available GSA programs and solutions to simplify
your HHG shipment process. It also provides hands-on TMSS training to give you the tools necessary for efficiently managing the entire shipment process online.

Length:Two days

Core Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

CLPs: Nine

All household goods (HHG) shipment relocation employees, including: authorizing and booking officials, administrative and transportation officers

To discuss group specials, customized courses, rates and services, please call (703) 605-0555 or email    


Travel and Transportation Training
(703) 605-0555

Group specials custom courses special classes customize organization