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Alternative Fuel Vehicles

As part of EV-Everywhere Grand Challenge, we are working with America’s best and brightest scientists, engineers, and businesses to make electric vehicles more affordable to own and convenient to drive. We want your ideas on defining what makes an EV affordable for the average American family, the barriers to achieving this, and ways to overcome those barriers. <a href="">Share your ideas now.</a>

As part of EV-Everywhere Grand Challenge, we are working with America’s best and brightest scientists, engineers, and businesses to make electric vehicles more affordable to own and convenient to drive. We want your ideas on defining what makes an EV affordable for the average American family, the barriers to achieving this, and ways to overcome those barriers. Share your ideas now.

National Parks Clean Up with Alternative Fuels
Alternative fuel vehicles and advanced vehicle technologies are helping to keep National treasures like Yellowstone National Park in Cody, Wyoming pristine. | Photo by Jeff Gunn

Many National Parks are adopting clean alternative fuel vehicles, advanced vehicles technologies and other fuel saving measures to maintain their air quality and keep the parks pristine.

EcoCAR 2: Racing Towards Vehicle Efficiency
Teams of university students are exploring the hardware of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles this week at the EcoCAR 2 finals in Los Angeles, CA. | Energy Department photo, credit Myles Regan.

Happening now: the competition finals for Year One of EcoCAR 2 in Los Angeles, California.

Saving Money and Fuel with a Click of a Mouse
A look at tools that can help consumers save money and fuel, whether you’re in the market for a new vehicle or trying to make the most of your current one. | Photo courtesy of Auto Guide.

With so many options, it can be hard to decipher what car is right for you, or if there’s a clear economic benefit in trading up to a new vehicle. Fortunately, the Energy Department offers a number of tools that can help consumers save money and fuel, whether you’re in the market for a new vehicle or trying to make the most of your current one.

Energy 101: Electric Vehicles

A look at how electric vehicles (EVs) work and what current and future models are doing to cut transit costs, reduce emissions, and strengthen our nation's energy security.