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Status of FOIA Requests

In his January 21 FOIA Memorandum, President Obama instructed, "The Freedom of Information Act should be administered with a clear presumption: In the face of doubt, openness prevails."  Open government requires agencies to work proactively and respond to requests promptly. The President's memorandum instructs agencies to "use modern technology to inform citizens what is known and done by their Government." GSA is committed to the Open Government initiative to expand electronic government. Of particular importance has been our continuing initiative to use our web site to disseminate our information to the public. While much of this information is already available throughout the GSA website, our site will provide a centralized resource to allow the public to locate contract information easily and quickly.  Our responsibility is to provide you with copies of the documents you are entitled to receive under the law.

To review the status of FOIA requests, click here [PDF, 129k].

Visit GSA's FOIA Library to view our FOIA Review Plan and Annual FOIA Report.


Elizabeth Ivey
(202) 501-4466

Kimberly Veach
(202) 219-1603

Status of FOIA Requests