The President's War on Coal

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Published on Sep 19, 2012 by

President Obama has said repeatedly that he is for an "all of the above" approach to energy production, but his actions are limiting the use of coal and costing thousands of jobs across America. Let us know what you think about the president's war on coal using #WarOnCoal:!/search/%23waroncoal


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  • in 2013 thousands of jobs are going to go down the drain thanks to Obama and his EPA goons. 20 percent of the USA's power generation is on the line. These plants are on death row.

  • i agree with you completly man im over here across the state line in easter ky and im one of the miners out of work. he;s got to go this area is hurting badly and the rest of america will be also i they dont get there head out of there presidents ass and wake up coal is a gift other country's are begging for it and we have two or three hundred years left and were not going to use it ? hummmm now thats smart ,,,,

  • President Obama's words sure do contradict themselves. I live in southwest virginia where our whole community relies on coal and coal production.. Alpha Natural Resources, a coal company, just laid off 1200 workers here and they are about to lay off more. Coal is "American Energy" without it what would we all do. It powers the majority of the United States. If President Obama doesn't like coal maybe he should go without electricity. He is always saying things that make him sound in tune.

  • This seems to show that the President takes words that sound good for his speeches but still does nothing that helps "all of the above" in fact the environmental agencies in his administration are blocking much of what could be done to provide clean cheap energy to grow our economy and create many more jobs.

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