Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
Table C15.T4. MOR Information


# Topic Description

Program and Authority

Identify the BPC program, the authority and the funding which may be used to support the requirement. See Table C15.T2. for a listing of BPC programs and their assigned Codes. Contact DSCA (STR) if the desired program code is not listed.


Requesting Authority Point of Contact (POC)

Provide POC information for the Requesting Authority organization and person who is familiar with the requirement and can address any questions. Include name, organization, address, phone number and e-mail address.


Benefitting Country and Description

Identify the benefitting Country or Countries. Include a description of the defense articles, quantity, estimated unit price, National Stock Numbers (NSNs) and/or part numbers, and sizes (if sizes are not known, indicate if tariff sizing is acceptable). Describe the type of services required (e.g., site surveys, repairs, training, engineering and/or technical assistance) and whether the provider is military, civilian, or contractor.


Estimated Cost

Provide estimated costs of the total requirement, broken out by each separate element of materiel or service required. Include an estimate for the Defense Transportation System (DTS) transportation (consult with DSCA CPD for appropriate rate). If the estimated costs are not known, include a not-to-exceed value for the case.


Shipment Method

Identify the shipping mode and any unique transportation requirements. Indicate if materiel consolidation is requested, or if a separate transportation case will be used to pay for shipment.


Destination Information

Designate the appropriate in-country Point of Debarkation (POD), the Military Assistance Program Address Code (MAPAC), the Mark For code (or in-the-clear text address), and the Purchaser Procuring Agency code (the component or service within the Benefitting Country which will receive the case materiel).


Required Delivery Date (RDD)

Provide an RDD that the IA can meet, allowing time for development of the LOA, for contracting and for DTS shipment of the materiel. If the request is short notice, provide a justification.


Statement of Work (SOW) for Training and Service

Include a SOW for contracted services. See Section C15.3.4.


Period of Performance for Training and Service

Identify the required period of performance for training and services.


Incidental Construction

Identify costs of incidental construction involved.


Exceptions from Full and Open Competition

Exceptions from full and open competition require a Justification and Approval (J&A) in accordance with Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) and Defense FAR System (DFARS) requirements for DoD and must be approved by the IA’s contracting authority. See Figure C15.F1.

  1. The Requesting Authority will provide a Statement of Urgency if an exception is requested based on unusual and compelling urgency, See 10 U.S.C. Section 2304(c)(2). Neither the preference of the Benefitting Country nor the expiring nature of funds will be sufficient justification for urgency.

  2. The Requesting Authority will complete a Justification and Approval (J&A) if an exception is requested because there is only one responsible source or there is a specific brand-name requirement. See FAR Subpart 6.3/DFARS 206.3/PGI 206.3.

  3. The 10 U.S.C. Section 2304(c)(4) “International Agreement” exception cannot be used for BPC requirements, which are not based on international agreements.

  4. Other justification for sole source may be available pursuant to FAR and DFAR guidance.

Page Updated 05-30-2012