Construction Industry

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Directorate of Construction

Mission Statement: "To serve as OSHA's principal source for standards, regulations, policy, programs and assistance to OSHA, other Federal Agencies, the construction industry, and the general public with respect to occupational safety and health."

Jim Maddux

The Directorate of Construction provides workplace safety standards and regulations to ensure safe working conditions for the nation's construction workers; and coordinates with and provides assistance to other regulatory agencies on the implementation and enforcement of major construction laws and standards.

  • Establishes and maintains a construction compliance guidance and assistance program;
  • Provides construction technical services in engineering, safety, industrial hygiene, and statistical analysis;
  • Coordinates with the Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs Operations on construction training and education, consultation programs, cooperative programs, and outreach.
  • Coordinates with the Office of the Solicitor on the legal implications of compliance decisions, interpretations, egregious or other litigation action for the construction industry. Reviews construction case files including egregious and other significant cases for technical accuracy, adequacy, and legal sufficiency.
  • Reviews all proposed program plans, standards, and procedures developed by other National Office staff that affect construction field operations to ensure that provisions of the documents are responsive to construction and capable of field implementation.
  • Ensures that stakeholders in the construction industry are given adequate and appropriate information regarding Agency activities. Maintains liaison with stakeholder groups affected by the promulgation of proposed rules to encourage their participation in the rulemaking process and development of training programs.
  • Prepares special reports on present work practices, control procedures, and abatement methodologies used in the construction industry.
  • Participates and coordinates with OTI in the overall planning and development of curriculum, goals and objectives for OTI construction safety and health training.
  • Evaluates the effectiveness of nationwide construction targeting programs to meet agency needs.
  • Provides statistical and analytical support to all other organizational components of the agency to aid in long-term planning and analysis.
  • Coordinates with the Directorate of Cooperative and State Programs Operations to assure that OSHA's State Plan partners are fully considered and offered full opportunity for involvement in the development and implementation of agency construction standards and policies.

USDOL/OSHA Directorate of Construction
Room N3468, 200 Constitution Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20210
(202) 693-2020