Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
A1 - Nonrecurring Cost Recoupment Charges for Major Defense Equipment


USML Category Description Items Notes
I-XXI Complete Listing 1017 Note : May take a bit to load...

I Firearms, Close Assault Weapons and Combat Shotguns - Up to .50 Cal. 14 Includes very specific definitions of firearms.
II Guns and Armament Over .50 Cal. 10 Includes engines for self-propelled guns and howitzers.
III Ammunition/Ordnance for Articles in Cat I and Cat II 87
IV Launch Vehicles, Guided Missiles, Ballistic Missiles, Rockets Torpedoes, Bombs And Mines 316 Includes air-, surface-, and underwater-launched versions of missiles. If it explodes without being fired from a gun, it's probably here.
V Propellants, Explosives And Incendiary Agents 0 Includes Pyrotechnics.
VI Vessels of War and Special Naval Equipment 17 Special Naval Equipment includes mine sweeping equipment, harbor detection devices.
VII Tanks and Military Vehicles 99 Tracked, amphibious, and recovery vehicles all SME.
VIII Aircraft, Spacecraft and Associated Equipment Aircraft 302 Includes surveillance equipment, engines, CADS/PADS, Inertial navigation units..
IX Military Training Equipment and Training 0 Weapons system trainers, simulators..
X Protective Personnel Equipment and Shelters 0 Includes body armor.
XI Military Electronics 81 Includes radar and sonar, NVDs, thermal imaging equipment; electronic combat equipment/countermeasures; Military radios are SME
XII Fire Control, Range Finder, Optical and Guidance and Control Equipment 91 Includes missile GCUs when separate from missiles
XIII Auxiliary Military Equipment 0 Generally crypto, also armor and concealment
XIV Toxicological Agents, Including Chemical Agents, Biological Agents, and Associated Equipment 0 Includes protective suits and masks, medical countermeasures..
XV Spacecraft Systems and Associated Equipment 0 Global Positioning and Satellite Systems
XVI Nuclear Weapons, Design and Testing Related Items 0
XVII Classified Articles, Technical Data and Defense Services Not Otherwise Enumerated 0 If articles are otherwise enumerated, for instance technical data related to a particular system, they should be included in the category that describes the system.
XVIII Directed Energy Weapons 0 Blinding or destructive lasers and electro-magnetic pulse and related devices
XIX Reserved 0
XX Submersible Vessels, Oceanographic and Associated Equipment 0 Includes manned or unmanned submersibles.
XXI Miscellaneous Articles 0 For use only by the Director of Defense Trade Controls
Page Updated 08-20-2012