Applications services

Form data disappears when I use my "Back" button


Microsoft Internet Explorer Users

Scenario 1: You fill out an online web form with data, submit it and get a an error message that you are missing information. You are asked to go back to the form and correct the errors. Following the directions, you press your browser's < Back > button to go back and correct the form and re-submit it, but problems develop.

Scenario 2: You fill out an online web form with data, submit it and get a Thank You confirmation that your information was sent. Your asked if you would like to submit another form with similar data. Following the directions, you press your browser's < Back > button to go back and re-submit the same form using similar information, but problems develop.


Browser Problems

Users may experience one or both of the following problems when using Microsoft Internet Explorer.

Problem 1:
When you press your browser's < Back > button you get a blank form.

Problem 2:
In some cases you may only get a warning message shown below...

Correcting the Problem

Users may experience the above problems because they are viewing a web page using a Secure Socket Layer (SSL). SSL certificates are used for securing online transactions. Web pages using SSL will have a letter "s" after the "http" in its URL.

For example, https//www.something.com

To correct the problem, try the steps below. If this does not fix your problem, contact the ITD helpdesk for assistance at itdhelp@bnl.gov.

  • Open Microsoft Internet Explorer
  • Select < Tools ><Internet Options >
  • Select the < Advanced > tab
  • Scroll down to the < Security > section
  • Uncheck the "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" option if checked or even try pressing the < Restore Defaults > button to return this section back to factory settings.

Explanation of option:


  • Select the < General > tab
  • Go to Temporary Internet Files section, then click each option button listed below.
  • First: Delete Cookies
  • Second: Delete Files
  • Third: Settings...

  • Click < Delete Cookies >
  • Press < OK > button

  • Click < Delete Files >
  • Check < Delete all offline content >
  • Press < OK > button

  • Click < Settings... >
  • Make sure < Every visit to the page > is selected
  • Press < OK > button

  • Click < Apply >< OK >
  • Close and restart your browser
  • Go back and re-try the web page.

Problem Still Occurs!

If the problem still occurs, try resetting your browser back to the default factory settings.

Resetting Intranet

  • Click < Security > tab
  • Click < Internet >< Custom Level >
  • You will see a < Security Settings > window appear
  • Click < Reset >
  • It will reset to < Medium >
  • Click < OK >

Resetting Local Intranet

  • Click < Local Internet >< Custom Level >
  • You will see a < Security Settings > window appear
  • Click < Reset >
  • It will reset to < Medium-Low >
  • Click < OK >

Resetting Trusted

  • Click < Trusted >< Custom Level >
  • You will see a < Security Settings > window appear
  • Click < Reset >
  • It will reset to < Low >
  • Click < OK >

Resetting Restricted

  • Click < Restricted >< Custom Level >
  • You will see a < Security Settings > window appear
  • Click < Reset >
  • It will reset to < High >
  • Click < OK >

Resetting Privacy

  • Click < Privacy > tab
  • Click < Default >
  • Click < OK >

Resetting Advanced

  • Click < Advanced > tab
  • Click < Restore Defaults >
  • Click < Apply >
  • Click < OK >

  • Close and restart your browser
  • Go back and re-try the web page
  • If this still doesn't fix your problem, contact the ITD helpdesk for assistance at itdhelp@bnl.gov

If you have a question that is not addressed in these pages, please send an email to itdhelp@bnl.gov.


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Last Modified: February 1, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Web Services