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January 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Thomas Omestad

It is a recurring pattern. North Korea takes a provocative step to advance its weapons programs or confront its adversaries. Its actions are condemned by the international community. Then Pyongyang doubles down and vows another tough response, often entailing another act of proliferation. USIP’s Mike Lekson considers the challenges of the North’s nuclear and missile proliferation.

January 2013

USIP held the second in a new series of meetings with Asia-Pacific naval attaches in Washington on January 25, providing a briefing on U.S. policy toward China. The broader initiative—Naval Attache Roundtable Meetings—aims to deepen exchanges on a region of vital strategic and economic importance toward which the U.S. government is “rebalancing” its foreign policy.

Countries: China | Issue Areas: Training
January 2013 | On the Issues by Daniel Brumberg

USIP’s Dan Brumberg considers the potential for al-Qaida’s growth in North Africa, and the challenge this poses to U.S. relationships with the new, post-conflict governments in the region.

January 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen

This week’s parliamentary elections catapulted Yair Lapid, relatively unknown outside Israel, into a surprising position of influence as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu tries to form the next government. USIP’s Lucy Kurtzer-Ellenbogen examines the possibilities.

January 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Raymond Gilpin, Jennifer Giroux, Fatima Kyari Mohammed and Shadé Brown

USIP expert Raymond Gilpin and associates say the ramifications of the gas plant attack extend to fundamental questions about how we look at securing energy facilities in violence-prone regions.

January 2013 | News Feature by Viola Gienger

With Islam as a common underpinning for many of the societies in turmoil where NATO is likely to be involved in the foreseeable future, USIP expert Hamid Khan says the alliance needs to be better prepared to deal on those terms.

January 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Steven Heydemann

Jordan’s parliamentary elections this week is being met by the country’s citizens with a kind of collective “Why bother?” USIP expert Steven Heydemann, who is in Jordan as an election monitor for the nonprofit International Republican Institute, considers the odds of changing that familiar pattern.

Countries: Jordan | Issue Areas: Rule of Law
The Brilliant Art of Peace Book Cover
January 2013 | Book by Abiodun Williams, editor

The Brilliant Art of Peace presents lectures delivered by seventeen of the world's most emininet thinkers, including several Nobel laureates, for the United Nations Secretary-General Public Lecture Series. Toni Morrison addresses the state of the humanities, Chinua Achebe contemplates the influence of language on peace, and Desmond Tutu reflects on the role of religion in politics, among many other speakers on a variety of topics. The reader will find humor, moral rigor, and wit in this thought-provoking and timeless collection.

January 2013 | Special Report by Izhar Hunzai

In Northern Pakistan, the Gilgit-Baltistan region is experiencing growing sectarian violence but also is key to increasing regional trade ties. This report examines the root causes of the conflict and the means for its resolution.

Jacket of The Peace Puzzle
January 2013 | Book by Daniel C. Kurtzer, Scott B. Lasensky, William B Quandt, Steven L. Spiegel, and Shibley Z. Telhami

The last 20 years of American efforts to resolve the Arab-Israeli conflict have seen many more failures than successes. The Peace Puzzle offers uniquely objective account of the American role in the post-Cold War era. In writing The Peace Puzzle, the members of USIP's Study Group on Arab-Israeli Peacemaking had broad access to key policymakers and official archives in their research process, making this book one of few that offers a comprehensive history from the Madrid Conference through the end of Senator George Mitchell's term as Special Envoy to the Middle East in 2011.

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