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Paul Hughes, the U.S. Institute of Peace’s chief of staff
February 2013 | News Brief by USIP Staff

Paul Hughes, the U.S. Institute of Peace’s chief of staff, recently delivered a major lecture at the 2012 Special Operations Summit in Tampa, Fla., on best practices and new tools for post-conflict peacekeeping and stability operations.

February 2013 | Special Report by Donald J. Planty and Robert M. Perito

The Afghan National Police is a militarized force that has been trained and equipped to conduct counterinsurgency operations and not law enforcement. Before the withdrawal of NATO and U.S. forces, two years remain in which to help the ANP transform into a police service capable of enforcing the rule of law.

The Olive Branch blog, Former Senator John Kerry Officially Takes Helm as Secretary of State
February 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Liz Harper

State Department employees welcomed the former senator of Massachusetts, John Kerry, as the new U.S. secretary of state, succeeding former Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton. USIP Senior Editor Elizabeth Harper outlines the goals he set out in his first remarks to the staff.

February 2013 | Peace Brief by Tobias Koepf

In the brief, Tobias Koepf reports on research he is conducting on the post-conflict reconciliation process in Côte d’Ivoire.

The Olive Branch blog; Egypt: National Dialogue Vs. Street Politics
February 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Holger Albrecht

Violent street protests in Egypt recently seem to have veered out of control of either President Mohammed Morsi or his political opponents, and his overture to amend the new constitution may not help. USIP Senior Fellow Holger Albrecht examines the rapidly unfolding events.

Countries: Egypt | Issue Areas: Conflict Analysis and Prevention
February 2013 | News Feature by USIP Staff

For the first time, the U.S. Institute of Peace (USIP) has sent a team of its conflict-management specialists to train an entire U.S. military unit preparing to deploy to a war zone—Afghanistan.

Secretary of State Clinton at the U.S. Institute of Peace in 2012
February 2013 | News Brief by USIP Staff

As Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton concluded her four years of service leading the State Department on February 1, the U.S. Institute of Peace remembers her participation in key events and thanks her for supporting the Institute’s mission of conflict prevention, mitigation and resolution.

February 2013

The United States Institute of Peace (USIP) is engaged in a variety of peacebuilding and conflict management efforts in many of the countries where these lesser-known risks are emerging. In a series of articles, the Institute examines some of these “sleeper risks” through the analytical lens of USIP experts.

January 2013 | Olive Branch Post by Viola Gienger

Iran was a hot topic at the Senate Armed Services Committee’s confirmation hearing for Chuck Hagel, President Barack Obama’s nominee for secretary of defense. And Iran’s military capabilities will be a key consideration in U.S. strategy during the second Obama term. USIP’s Iran Primer has a fascinating profile of the general who heads the most feared element of the Islamic Republic’s military.

January 2013 | News Feature by Viola Gienger

Government officials and civil society leaders gathered this week to assess progress toward implementing the U.S. National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security, signed by President Barack Obama just over a year ago. The forum also heard of further measures being carried out to institutionalize the advocacy behind it.

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