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Instructions for Completing the Online MSHA Form 2000-7

Legal Identity Report

The Mine Safety and Health Administration has developed these instructions to aid you in completing the online Legal Identity Report, Form 2000-7. If you are a first time filer, please read all of the instructions before beginning. Remember that all information previously submitted remains in effect except where changes have been submitted. If the changes provided on this form affect other mines, a separate form must be filed for each mine identification number.

  • If this is the first filing of a Legal Identity Report for this mine or the first online filing for a mine ALL fields must be completed.
  • If this is a new operator at the mine ALL fields must be completed.
  • When an operator wishes to change or supplement information previously submitted regarding this mine, only those fields to be changed require completion.

At any time, click on the Cancel and return to menu link at the lower right side of the screen to exit the form and cancel this submission.

Click on the Next button to continue filling out the form or Back button to review or edit previously entered data. These buttons are located at the center bottom of each screen.

Step 5: Enter the Ownership Information section of the form � use these Add Individual, Add Business, Edit, and Delete links to complete the form:�

To add an individual or a business click on the Add Individual or Add Business link.� After the name and address information is entered, click on the Add Individual or Add Business button located at the lower center of the screen. This will take you back to the Ownership Summary screen, where the information will now be displayed. Repeat this process to enter each additional individual or business.

Click on the Edit link at the right of an individual or business to update the name and/or address. After the information has been changed, click on the Update Individual or Update Business button. This will take you back to the Ownership Summary screen, where the updated information will be displayed.

Click on the Delete link at the right of an individual or business to remove the listing. You will be asked �Are you sure you want to delete this record?� Click the OK button. The listing is now removed. Click on the Cancel button if you decide to keep the listing.

Step 1: Enter the Mine ID

Mine ID � This seven digit mine identification number is obtained from the MSHA district office where the mine is located.

Effective Date � The date the initial information, or changes to previously submitted information, became effective for this mine while under the operation or control of this operator. Enter the effective date, using numbers to show the month, day, and complete year, e.g., 01/01/2002. Please note that this is the date that changes actually became effective and is not necessarily the date you are completing this form.

Step 2: Mine Information

Mine Location Address

Mine Name - The official name assigned to this mining operation.

Address - The complete street address, city, state, county, and zip code for this mine. This address must be a physical street address. A P. O. Box may not be entered in this field.

Mine Phone # - The telephone number for this mine, including area code, where the operator can be reached in the event of an emergency.

Directions to Mine � The mileage and directions from the nearest town, city, and/or landmark should be provided.

Operator Information

Business Name � The official business name used for this operation.� This should be the name of the business, not the name of the individual who owns the company, or the name of the individual involved with the day-to-day operations at the mine.

Address � The complete street address, city, state, and zip code where the company or organization is doing business. If located in a rural area, provide the road name or route number. This address must be a physical street address. P. O. Box numbers may not be entered in this field.


Type of Product � The product name for this mine. (Examples: Coal, Coal-Bituminous, Sand & Gravel, Crushed Stone)

Type of Operation � The type of operation for this mine.

Step 3:� Enter the Mine Health and Safety Contact Information

Person at Mine in charge of Health and Safety (Superintendent or Principal Officer) � The name, title, address, and email address for the official involved with the day-to-day operations at this mine.

Answer the following question by clicking in the Yes or No radio button:

If the operator is not directly involved in the daily operation of the mine, is there someone with responsibility for a health & safety program at ALL of the operator's mines (Safety Director)?

If No was selected, move on to Step 4 of the form.

If Yes was selected and the individual is the same as the �Person at Mine in Charge of Health and Safety (Superintendent or Principal Officer)�, click on the following link, and the �Person in Charge of Overall Health and Safety Program for all Mines (Safety Director)� fields will be automatically filled in with the same information.

If the contact information below is the same as the Health and Safety Contact for the mine, click here.

If the individual is different than �Person at Mine in Charge of Health and Safety (Superintendent or Principal Officer)�, complete the following:

Person in Charge of Overall Health and Safety Program for all Mines (Safety Director) � The name, title, address, and email address of the person with the responsibility for health and safety at all of the operator's mines.

Step 4: Enter the Address of Record

Address and person designated to receive official mail � Service of documents upon the operator will be completed by mailing or personal service of the documents to this address.

Address of Record � Provide name, title, address, telephone number (including area code), and e-mail address for the person designated to receive official mail.

It is required that a physical street address for Personal Service Record Address be provided. If a P. O. Box is used, it can also be entered in the appropriate field. The Personal Service Record Address must be an address that you can receive FedEx deliveries.

If the Legal Identity Report is filed without an address where FedEx delivers mail the form will not be processed. It will be rejected back to you by the Agency.

Step 5: Enter the Ownership Information

Select the official type of business from the drop-down menu. Only one type of business can be selected. See below for a description of each type of business and then go to the related instructions for this type of business to complete the remainder of the Legal Identity Report.

Sole Proprietorship � A business with an individual owner. If your business belongs in this category, please refer to the instructions below for this type of business to complete the form.

Partnership � An association of persons joined as partners in business. If your business belongs in this category, please refer to the instructions below for this type of business to complete the form.

Corporation � An association of individuals, created by law and existing as an entity with powers and liabilities independent of its members. If your business belongs in this category, please refer to the instructions below for this type of business to complete the form.

Other � If your business does not fall in one of the above categories (Sole Proprietorship, Partnership, or Corporation) this selection should be made. Examples of Other are Joint Venture, County or State Government, and Limited Liability Company. If you business belongs in this category please refer to the instructions below for this type of business to complete the form.

Sole Proprietorship

When Sole Proprietorship is selected, you will be asked to identify what Tax Identification Number (TIN) the business uses � a Social Security Number (SSN), or an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The number needs to be entered in the next field.

Privacy Act Notice.  We are authorized to request this information under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Title 31 U.S.C. amended section 7701, new subsection (c)(1), which mandates us to require regulated entities and persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a EIN.

Enter the information of the sole owner � The name, title and complete address for the owner (sole proprietor) of this business. The business name is a required field in this part of the form.

Step 6: Summary

This summary page will display data that was just updated, along with the Agency's current Legal Identity Report information for this mine ID, if any. Review all original and updated information. If you need to correct an entry, click on the Edit link on the right side of the heading above the entry.

Signature � Enter the name and title of the person filing this form.

Click on the Submit this form to MSHA button. The next screen shows the E-Document Number assigned to this submission, and the MSHA District Office to which it was forwarded. Print a copy of this form for your records. A copy must be kept at the mine location office.


When Partnership is selected, you will be asked to identify what Tax Identification Number (TIN) the business uses. This number needs to be entered in the Employer Identification Number (EIN) field.

Privacy Act Notice.  We are authorized to request this information under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Title 31 U.S.C. amended section 7701, new subsection (c)(1), which mandates us to require regulated entities and persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a EIN.

Individuals with ownership interest or corporate officers/directors � The name, title and complete address for each partner. Do not use the address for the business. This should be the address for each partner. A maximum of five individuals can be entered.


Businesses with ownership interest (if this applies) � If the partnership's owners are companies, enter each name and complete address for the office where the company is doing business. A maximum of five businesses can be entered. (Do not enter the operating company name.)

Step 6: Summary

This summary page will display data that was just updated, along with the Agency's current Legal Identity Report information for this mine ID, if any. Review all original and updated information. If you need to correct any entry, click on the Edit link on the right side of the heading above the entry.

Signature � Enter the name and title of the person filing this form.

Click on the Submit this form to MSHA button. The next screen shows the E-Document Number assigned to this submission, and the MSHA District Office to which it was forwarded. Print a copy of this form for your records. A copy must be kept at the mine location office.


When Corporation is selected you will be asked to identify what Tax Identification Number (TIN) the business uses. This number needs to be entered in the Employer Identification Number (EIN) field.

Privacy Act Notice.  We are authorized to request this information under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Title 31 U.S.C. amended section 7701, new subsection (c)(1), which mandates us to require regulated entities and persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a EIN.

Individuals with ownership interest or corporate officers/directors � The name, title and complete address for the officers/directors of the corporation. This should not be the address of the corporation. A maximum of five officers/directors can be entered. Included should be the president, vice president, corporate secretary, and corporate treasurer.


Businesses with ownership interest (if this applies) � If the owners of the corporation are businesses, enter each entity's name and complete address for the office where the company is doing business. A maximum of five businesses can be entered. (Do not enter the operating company name.)� A parent company should not be entered here. Enter parent company information on the next screen of this form.

Enter Corporate Information

State of Incorporation � Select the state abbreviation for the state where the operating company was incorporated from the drop-down menu.

Answer the following question by clicking in the Yes or No radio button:�

Is this corporation a subsidiary?

If No was selected, move on to Step 6 of the form.

If Yes was selected, you will be directed to enter the name, complete address, and Employer Identification Number (EIN) for the ultimate parent corporation. The ultimate parent corporation is the highest company in the family tree structure with the ultimate ownership of the operating company.

Privacy Act Notice.  We are authorized to request this information under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Title 31 U.S.C. amended section 7701, new subsection (c)(1), which mandates us to require regulated entities and persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a EIN.

Step 6: Summary

This summary page will display data that was just updated, along with the Agency's current Legal Identity Report information for this mine ID, if any. Review all original and updated information. If you need to correct an entry, click on the Edit link on the right side of the heading above the entry.

Signature � Enter the name and title of the person filing this form.

Click on the Submit this form to MSHA button. The next screen shows the E-Document Number assigned to this submission, and the MSHA District Office to which it was forwarded. Print a copy of this form for your records. A copy must be kept at the mine location office.


When Other is selected, you will be asked to enter the type of organization. Examples of Other are Joint Venture, County or State Government, and Limited Liability Company.

Next, you will then be asked to identify the Tax Identification Number (TIN) of the organization. This number needs to be entered in the Employer Identification Number (EIN) field.

Privacy Act Notice.  We are authorized to request this information under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, Title 31 U.S.C. amended section 7701, new subsection (c)(1), which mandates us to require regulated entities and persons who are doing business with a Federal agency to furnish a EIN.

Individuals with ownership interest or corporate officers/directors � The name, title, and complete address for each individual with ownership interest in the organization. ��Do not use the address of the organization. A maximum of five individuals can be entered.


Businesses with ownership interest (if this applies) � The name and complete address for each Business, County, or State government with ownership interest in the organization. Do not use the address of the organization. A maximum of five entries can be made.


Individual principal organization officials or members � The name, title, and complete address for each individual who is an official or member in the organization. This should not be the address of the organization, but the address of each individual. A maximum of five individuals can be entered.


Business principal organization officials or members (if this applies) � The name and complete address for each Business, County, or State government that is a member in the organization. This should not be the address of the organization, but the address of the member. A maximum of five members can be entered.

You must have at least one individual or business owner and at least one principal member or business principal member to continue the filing process

Step 6: Summary

This summary page will display data that was just updated, along with the Agency's current Legal Identity Report information for this mine ID, if any. Review all original and updated information. If you need to correct an entry, click on the Edit link on the right side of the heading above the entry.

Signature � Enter the name and title of the person filing this form.

Click on the Submit this form to MSHA button. The next screen shows the E-Document Number assigned to this submission, and the MSHA District Office to which it was forwarded. Print a copy of this form for your records. A copy must be kept at the mine location office.