OASDI Beneficiaries by State and County, 2003



Table 4. Number of beneficiaries with benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2003
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Alaska c 60,860 35,572 2,752 1,204 5,027 4,776 8,708 247 2,574 18,013 19,298
Aleutians East 110 70 0 0 15 15 5 0 5 45 30
Aleutians West 140 75 10 0 20 15 15 0 5 45 45
Anchorage 23,360 13,760 945 360 1,775 1,640 3,745 80 1,055 6,670 7,835
Bethel 1,335 520 120 105 195 210 110 15 60 345 360
Bristol Bay 120 80 5 5 10 5 15 0 0 50 35
Denali 145 85 10 5 5 10 20 0 10 40 30
Dillingham 520 230 45 20 60 115 30 0 20 135 135
Fairbanks North Star 6,795 4,120 280 110 550 495 980 20 240 2,070 2,155
Haines 370 255 15 10 35 10 40 0 5 135 135
Juneau 3,030 1,900 95 45 225 260 375 10 120 885 1,085
Kenai Peninsula 6,390 3,835 330 70 490 385 990 30 260 1,945 1,980
Ketchikan Gateway 1,710 1,110 85 25 115 80 235 5 55 570 575
Kodiak Island 1,075 655 50 35 80 75 125 5 50 335 320
Lake and Peninsula 155 80 10 5 25 25 10 0 0 60 45
Matanuska-Susitna 7,035 4,020 320 100 565 480 1,130 40 380 2,040 2,070
Nome 895 375 50 60 120 190 65 5 30 240 235
North Slope 580 265 20 25 70 115 65 0 20 145 155
Northwest Arctic 580 235 40 50 75 110 50 0 20 155 145
Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan 595 375 15 5 50 30 85 5 30 210 150
Sitka 995 705 35 5 85 35 95 0 35 330 395
Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon 355 230 15 5 25 15 55 0 10 120 105
Southeast Fairbanks 760 460 50 25 55 55 90 5 20 245 200
Valdez-Cordova 1,030 635 40 30 75 85 120 5 40 345 275
Wade Hampton 700 245 65 60 105 135 45 10 35 170 185
Wrangell-Petersburg 935 635 40 10 65 45 105 0 35 320 305
Yakutat 75 45 0 5 5 5 15 0 0 20 25
Yukon-Koyukuk 690 365 45 20 85 95 55 5 20 235 180
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.
Table 5. Amount of benefits in current-payment status, by county, type of benefit, and sex of beneficiaries aged 65 or older, December 2003 (in thousands of dollars)
County Total Retirement Survivors Disability Aged 65 or older
Retired workers a Spouses Children Widow(er)s b Children Disabled workers Spouses Children Men Women
Total, Alaska c 48,234 31,655 1,177 445 4,041 2,781 7,463 47 626 17,852 14,453
Aleutians East 90 64 1 1 11 10 3 0 1 48 22
Aleutians West 98 58 2 1 12 10 13 0 1 40 24
Anchorage 19,254 12,655 427 151 1,522 1,015 3,198 17 270 6,894 6,140
Bethel 650 341 28 23 89 83 77 2 8 226 169
Bristol Bay 102 75 2 0 8 2 13 0 1 53 26
Denali 113 77 4 2 5 4 19 0 2 39 19
Dillingham 292 169 13 5 33 50 18 0 4 111 74
Fairbanks North Star 5,580 3,705 129 51 467 323 841 4 61 2,086 1,652
Haines 308 221 7 4 35 7 33 0 1 136 104
Juneau 2,413 1,677 43 22 193 151 296 1 29 873 857
Kenai Peninsula 5,202 3,443 154 28 405 235 871 6 59 1,981 1,440
Ketchikan Gateway 1,504 1,059 41 11 104 60 212 1 16 609 456
Kodiak Island 814 563 19 11 64 44 104 1 9 323 235
Lake and Peninsula 101 62 5 2 15 9 9 0 0 50 27
Matanuska-Susitna 5,562 3,507 143 39 468 284 1,015 9 98 2,012 1,487
Nome 519 285 15 16 71 81 44 1 7 184 146
North Slope 514 274 11 12 62 86 63 0 6 164 138
Northwest Arctic 341 171 11 15 47 54 37 0 6 114 84
Prince of Wales-Outer Ketchikan 477 326 8 3 43 18 73 0 7 200 113
Sitka 835 633 15 3 72 21 81 0 9 336 312
Skagway-Hoonah-Angoon 275 194 5 2 22 7 43 0 2 111 76
Southeast Fairbanks 534 361 20 8 42 21 77 1 5 212 130
Valdez-Cordova 804 547 17 8 65 52 108 0 8 328 204
Wade Hampton 308 140 15 14 48 57 31 1 3 100 80
Wrangell-Petersburg 791 582 18 4 55 28 97 0 7 334 244
Yakutat 60 39 0 1 6 2 11 0 0 19 21
Yukon-Koyukuk 413 253 16 8 49 45 37 1 4 169 99
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
a. Includes special age-72 beneficiaries.
b. Includes nondisabled widow(er)s, disabled widow(er)s, widowed mothers and fathers, and parents.
c. Includes beneficiaries with unknown county code.