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Domain Escrow

Sedo's Domain Escrow service offers a secure financial intermediary for both sellers and buyers.

Step 1: Receive a Domain Sales Contract

Both parties receive a sales contract which is professionally drawn up to suit the needs of domain or website sales. The sales agreement can be reviewed and agreed to from within your member account.

Step 2: Payment to Escrow Account

The buyer places the funds in Sedo's Escrow account via wire transfer, Paypal, or credit card (credit card only for transactions under $500).

Step 3: Technical Domain Transfer

Sedo works with both parties and their registrars to quickly and securely transfer the domain. Through our large network of registrars we can ensure the most efficient transfer possible. Sedo's Domain Transfer and Escrow Service applies to the domain name and purchase price only. The transfer of any related website content or additionally negotiated items must be arranged between the parties directly.

Step 4: Payment to Seller

Once Sedo can confirm that the buyer is the owner of the domain name, we remit the funds to the domain seller and the transaction is finished.



  • Free of charge for all domains purchased through Sedo.
  • Domain Sales Contracts for legal protection for both buyers and sellers.
  • A secure financial intermediary to ensure your payment is safe.
  • Personal assistance to reduce the risk that your domain will be lost through fraud or technical error.
  • External transactions escrow service for sales conducted outside of Sedo for a fee of only 3% of the sales price  (see minimum commissions).

See our price list for detailed information and our minimum commissions.

External Domain Escrow

If you are a domain buyer or seller, you can secure your domain transfers using Sedo's Domain Escrow service even if the transaction was not conducted through Sedo. To get started with the External Domain Escrow service, please send an Email with the following information:

  • Domain name
  • Agreed Price (USD/EUR/GBP)*
  • Seller's full name and Email
  • Buyer's full name and Email 
  • Seller's Sedo Login Name
  • Buyer's Sedo Login Name
  • Confirmation whether the domain transfer should be kept private
  • Which party has agreed to pay the Sedo commission fee
    (3% of the sales price - see minimum commissions)

Please be advised that if you reach an agreement outside of the Sedo Marketplace but you want to use the Sedo Escrow Service to conduct the transfer, and the domain is listed for sale on the Sedo website, the commission fee is still 15%( see minimum commissions).  

To get started with the External Domain Escrow service or to submit a question please contact our Domain Escrow team.


*There might be additional fees charged to you by your registrar or bank. There is an additional 3% express processing fee added for payments over $500 made using PayPal.