Defense Security Cooperation Agency
Defense Solutions for America's Global Partners
C11 - Special Programs and Services

Chapter 11, Special Programs and Services, provides guidance on C-12 aircraft management, drawdowns, Excess Defense Articles (EDA), sales to other U.S. Government agencies, provision of U.S. Government defense articles or services in support of commercial exports, leases and loans, Security Cooperation Education and Training (SCET) Teams, the Special Defense Acquisition Fund (SDAF), and the Warsaw Initiative Fund (WIF).


Section Title
C11.1. C-12 Aircraft Management
C11.2. Drawdowns
C11.3. Excess Defense Articles (EDA)
C11.4. Foreign Assistance Act (FAA), Section 607 Furnishing of Services and Commodities
C11.5. Government Furnished Equipment and Materiel (GFE/GFM) Sales
C11.6. Leases of Defense Articles under the Arms Export Control Act (AECA)
C11.7. Loans of Defense Articles
C11.8. Security Cooperation Education and Training (SCET) Teams
C11.9. Special Defense Acquisition Fund (SDAF)
C11.10. Warsaw Initiative Fund (WIF)


Historical References


Section Title
C11.HR.1. Military Assistance Program (MAP)
Page Updated 09-12-2011