Integrated Research Projects

IRPs represent the program directed component of the NEUP program by providing research and development (R&D) solutions that are the most directly relevant to the near-term, significant needs of the NE R&D programs. IRPs complement the other NEUP components, which include Program Supporting and Mission Supporting university-based R&D, University reactor and research equipment infrastructure upgrades, and Integrated University Program student fellowship and scholarship grants.

IRPs are significant three-year awards for projects that address specific research issues and capability gaps identified and defined by the NE R&D programs, and are intended to develop a capability within each specified area. These projects are multidisciplinary and require multi-institutional partners. 

IRPs will comprise a highly-collaborative team, spanning multiple scientific, engineering, and, where appropriate, economics and public-policy disciplines. Proposing teams must have a designated lead university and at least one other university. Teams are encouraged to include multiple universities and non-university partners (e.g. industry/utility, national laboratory, international, and underrepresented groups). Industry partners are strongly encouraged and may receive funding support from the project. International partners are equally encouraged on a non-government funding basis.  

Related Documents

Click here to view NEUP documents.

Documents include abstracts, workscopes, travel forms, budget forms, conflict of interest disclosure forms, etc.