U.S. Department of Justice

Community Supervision and Rehabilitation: Two Studies of Offenders on Supervised Bonds

Publication year: 2008 | Cataloged on: Sep. 16, 2008

Library ID

  • 023284

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  • 2008
  • 20 pages.

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  • Community Supervision and Rehabilitation: Two Studies of Offenders on Supervised Bonds

ANNOTATION: "This bulletin presents the results of two studies bearing on the effectiveness of supervised bonds as a means of reducing re-offending" (p. 2). Study 1 determines if there was a difference in re-offending between offenders with supervision and those without. Study 2 deals with the quality of supervision and support offenders on supervised bonds received. The researchers find that "supervision did nothing to reduce the risk of re-offending," possibly because of insufficient supervision and support.

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