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NEPA Library

The NEPA Library serves as a repository for NEPA articles, guidance, and related documents. 

GSA is committed to accessibility to information,  therefore we will provide an alternate solution to information that users find not accessible to them.

CEQ Memorandum/Guidance

FEIS - International Falls LPOE Improvements Study

DEIS & FEIS - Calexico West Land Port of Entry

DEIS - San Ysidro Land Port of Entry

EA - Ajo Housing Development Project

EA - NNSA Kansas City Plant

EA - Nogales Mariposa Land Port of Entry

EA - San Luis Port of Entry

EIS Revision - Los Angeles U.S. Courthouse

GSA Orders - Environment

Other Agency NEPA Guidance Document(s)

Project Planning Guide

Sample Statements of Work

San Ysidro Land Port of Entry Improvements Project Final Environmental Impact Statement

NEPA, National Environmental Policy Act, NEPA guidance