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Air Quality Title V Permits Now Online
Air Pollution
Oregon's air quality Title V permits are now available online. These permits limit air pollution from Oregon's largest pollution sources. Having air quality Title V permits online makes it easier for Oregonians to know more about the companies operating in their neighborhoods. These permits are available alphabetically by name and by location.
Current Issues
Oregon E-Cycles Program Shows Big Gains in 2010
Oregon E-Cycles
The Oregon E-Cycles Program, a network of more than 250 collection sites and recycling facilities statewide that accepts unwanted computers, monitors and televisions from the public for free, collected and recycled more than 24 million pounds of materials in 2010 - a 27 percent gain over the program's first year.
Want to Comment? Visit Our Public Notices Page
comment form
DEQ posts public notices concerning new permit applications, permit renewals, water quality management plans and other environmental projects on our Public Notices page. Written comments are welcome for all of these projects.

Visit the page to scroll the ongoing list of public notices updated regularly. You also can subscribe to it through your RSS feed. Or sign up for updates on specific topics by e-mail.
Complaint/Pollution Reporting Form
Now it's easier to file a pollution complaint for DEQ to investigate with our new online fillable form. Please use Adobe Reader 8 or higher when filling the form. To report a spill or environmental emergency, contact the Oregon Emergency Response System at 1-800-452-0311.
Hot Topics
DEQ Closed on July 4
Office Closure
All Oregon Department of Environmental Quality offices and vehicle emissions testing stations will be closed Monday, July 4 in honor of Independence Day. All offices and stations will reopen as scheduled on Tuesday, July 5.
Environmental Quality Commission Approves Revised Water Quality Standards
Willamette River
The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission today approved new water quality standards designed to reduce or prevent toxic pollutants in Oregon waterways and add health protections for people using state rivers and streams for fishing, drinking water and other purposes. The new state standards will go into effect pending U.S. Environmental Protection Agency approval.
DEQ Launches Water Quality Electronic Document Repository
drain pipe
DEQ now has many of its wastewater permits and water quality permit-related documents available to the public through an electronic repository. The new Wastewater Permit Document Search, allows people to search permit information for nearly 400 wastewater discharge permits categorized as National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System "individual" permits. These facilities - including municipal wastewater treatment plants and industrial dischargers such as pulp and paper mills and high-tech plants - must follow strict guidelines for treating and monitoring the wastewater they discharge, under authority of the federal Clean Water Act.

Information on about 50 Water Pollution Control Facilities permits is also available.
Office Closures
Office Building
Oregon DEQ offices and vehicle inspection stations willl be closed on state furlough days in addition to state holidays. DEQ offices and vehicle inspection stations will be closed Monday, May 30, in observance of Memorial Day.

For notice of inclement weather closures, check the Office Locations and Hours page.
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