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EPA understands the important role that public recognition provides for our partners and stakeholders who are advancing Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and pesticide risk reduction. We provide public recognition to partners and stakeholders for their extraordinary commitment to IPM performance while simultaneously demonstrating how their accomplishments are collectively making a difference. Our awards also provide an opportunity for IPM stakeholders to showcase their accomplishments as they relate to the goals of the EPA Administrator and Office of Pesticide Programs.

With this in mind, we broadened our awards program in 2011 beyond our historic Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Champion Awards. In 2012, we will confer the first PestWise AwardsPestWise Awards foster collaborative innovations among PESP stakeholders and highlight innovative IPM solutions to pest management problems. PestWise Awards are comprised of three distinct competitive award categories - IPM Innovator, PESP Shining Star, and Sustained Excellence in IPM. Two awards will be presented in each category.

IPM Innovator

Recognizes a PESP member and a non-member organization's accomplishments in risk reduction and IPM promotion beyond their own internal operations. The award is based on evidence, from the previous calendar year, of substantial impacts on the following PestWise goals:

  • Goal 1 - Increasing public understanding of pests and pesticide risks
  • Goal 2 - Promoting reduced-risk practices and IPM adoption
  • Goal 3 - Expanding biopesticide use and technology transfer
  • Goal 4 - Promoting IPM adoption by implementing the IPM Roadmap
  • Goal 5 – Achievements in regulatory transition assistance

PESP Shining Star

Recognizes a PESP Silver member and a PESP Gold member for accomplishments in implementing IPM principles. The award is based on evidence of impacts in risk reduction, education/promotion, and economic benefits of IPM.

Sustained Excellence in IPM

Recognizes a PESP Silver member and a PESP Gold member who have received multiple PESP awards for their continuing commitment to demonstrate the economic benefits associated with IPM, participated in education and outreach activities, reduced risk to human health and the environment through IPM implementation, and promoted environmental stewardship through the adoption of best management practices.

How Do I Apply?

If your organization has been actively engaged in furthering the adoption of IPM, we encourage you to apply for the PESP Shining Star Award, Sustained Excellence in IPM Award, and the IPM Innovator Award. EPA has not yet announced a call for award nominations in 2012. Please stay tuned for additional information.

An EPA review committee will review the applications. Each applicant’s IPM performance will be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively using the established evaluation criteria to determine awardees. To ensure the integrity of the awards and the Pesticide Environmental Stewardship Program, EPA will conduct a criminal and environmental compliance screen on all awardees.

Agency Contact

Should you have questions concerning the awards program, please contact Raderrio Wilkins ( 703-308-1259; wilkins.raderrio@epa.gov).

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