Endangered Species Program
Conserving the Nature of America

Featured Species


Alabama Beach Mouse (05:46)

Host: Brynn Walling with Bill Lynn

Alabama beach mouse

Status: Endangered/ Listed on June 6, 1985
Scientific Name: Peromyscus polionotus ammobates
Description: The Alabama beach mouse is a small, nocturnal rodent that lives along the along the northern coast of the Gulf of Mexico.

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Miami Blue Butterfly (05:37)

Host: Meagan Racey with Mark Salvato

Miami blue butterfly

Status: Endangered/ Listed on April 6, 2012
Scientific Name: Cyclargus thomasi bethunebakeri
Description: The Miami blue is a small butterfly that is native to coastal areas of southern Florida.

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Mauna Loa Silversword (07:57)

Host: Brynn Walling with Marie Bruegmann

Mauna Loa Silversword

Status: Endangered/ Listed on April 7, 1993
Scientific Name: Argyroxiphium kauense
Description: The Mauna Loa silversword is a giant rosette plant found only in the active volcano of Mauna Loa on the island of Hawaii.

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Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail (07:47)

Host: Meagan Racey with Robyn Niver

Chittenango Ovate Amber Snail

Status: Threatened/ August 2, 2078
Scientific Name: Succinea chittenangoensis
Description: The Chittenango ovate amber snail is only found in one place – Chittenango Falls State Park in Madison County, New York. The primary threats to the snail in its existing habitat are considered to be the small population size and limited distribution of the species and the negative interaction with an introduced snail, Succinea sp. B., for food and habitat.

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Great Green Macaw (07:16)

Host: Sarah Leon with Eric Horstman

great green macaw

Status: Proposed Endangered/ July 6, 2012
Scientific Name: Ara ambiguus
Description: The great green macaw has small populations in Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama. It is estimated that only 1,000 to 3,000 individuals remain in the wild today.

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California Tiger Salamander (04:12)

Host: Brynn Walling with Andrea Adams

California Tiger Salamander

Status: Threatened and Endangered
Scientific Name: Ambystoma californiense
Description: The California tiger salamander is considered an ambystomatid salamander, which means they live most of their life underground. The salamander is listed as threatened in Central California and endangered in Sonoma and Santa Barbara County portions of its range.

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Northern Riffleshell (04:57)

Host: Sarah Leon with Bob Anderson

Northern riffleshell

Status: Endangered/ Listed on January 22, 1993
Scientific Name: Epioblasma torulosa rangiana
Description: Northern riffleshell, typical of many freshwater mussels, are sensitive to siltation, residential and commercial pollution, agricultural run-off, channelization, impoundments, and competition with zebra mussel. Rivers than can support a reproducing population of northern riffleshells probably has good water quality and a healthy watershed.

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Vahl's Boxwood (06:47)

Host: Sarah Leon with Omar Monsegur

Vahl's boxwood

Status: Endangered/ Listed on August 13, 1985
Scientific Name: Buxus vahlii
Description: Vahl's Boxwood is a rare plant that is native to Puerto Rico and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands. It has probably never been very common, but its distribution has been reduced by deforestation and other human disturbance of its habitat.

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Bog Turtle (03:40)

Host: Sarah Leon with Alison Whitlock

bog turtle

Status: Threatened/ Listed on November 4, 1997
Scientific Name: Clemmys (Glyptemys) muhlenbergii
Description: At only about 4 inches long, the bog turtle is North America's smallest turtle. The northern population of bog turtles in known to range from New York and western Massachusetts south to Maryland.

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Swamp Pink (07:03)

Host: Sarah Leon with Wendy Walsh

Swamp Pink

Status: Threatened/ Listed on September 9, 1988
Scientific Name: Helonias bullata
Description: Swamp pink is a perennial herb in the lily family. It is known to occur in headwater streams and mountain bogs from New Jersey to Georgia.

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Heath Hen (01:05)

Heath Hen

Status: Declared extinct in 1932
Scientific Name: Tympanuchus cupido cupido
Description: The heath hen, a subspecies of prairie chicken, was once found in the eastern United States—common from Maine to Virginia. Prolonged and intense hunting pressure caused the bird to decline significantly throughout its range. The heath hen was declared extinct in 1932.

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Wekiu Bug (08:17)

Host: Sarah Leon with Dan Polhemus, Ph.D.

wekiu bug

Status: Candidate/ Conservation to preclude ESA listing
Scientific Name: Nysius wekiuicola
Description: The wekiu bug is flightless insect and inhabits the summit area of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. In October 2011, the species was removed from the list of candidate species in need of Endangered Species Act protection, after conservation actions helped stabilize population numbers.

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Yaqui Chub (09:02)

Host: Sarah Leon with Bill Radkey

Yaqui Chub

Status: Endangered/ Listed on August 31, 1984
Scientific Name: Gila purpurea
Description: The yaqui chub has been extirpated from its historical habitat; however, introduced populations exist in Leslie Canyon in the Swisshelm Mountains in San Bernardino National Wildlife Refuge, and in ponds and the mainstream of West Turkey Creek in the Chiricahua Mountains of Arizona.

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Decurrent False Aster (09:56)

Host: Sarah Leon with Marian Smith, Ph.D.

decurrent false aster

Status: Threatened/ Listed on November 14, 1988
Scientific Name: Boltonia decurrens
Description: Decurrent false aster is found on moist, sandy, floodplains and prairie wetlands along the Illinois River. It relies on periodic flooding to scour away other plants that compete for the same habitat. Although not very tolerant to prolonged flooding, this plant relies on periodic flooding to scour away other plants that compete for the same habitat.

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  • Spotlight Species

Caseys June beetle (08:02)

Host: Sarah Leon with Alison Anderson

Caseys june beetle

Status: Candidate/ Conservation to preclude ESA listing
Scientific Name:Dinacoma caseyi
Description: The only known population of Caseys June beetle occurs within the Palm Canyon Wash area in the southern part of the City of Palm Springs, California. The species is believed to occupy less than 800 acres of land.

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Last updated: August 31, 2012