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Webinar - Documenting Traceability and Calibration Intervals


At the end of (or during) this session, using your notes and ISO/IEC 17025 or NIST HB 143, you will:

  • be able to describe the essential components that are required to support metrological traceability.
  • be able to explain traceability in simple terms to anyone - even someone not familiar with metrology.

Related Project(s):

NIST OWM has a number of other training opportunities scheduled. For more information:


You can register to participate via the OWM Database. The current fee for webinars is $199 and confirmed participants will be provided a web link to make a payment. OWM will contact State participants regarding payment.


Georgia Harris
Office of Weights and Measures
(301) 975 - 4014


Start Date: Monday, June 18, 2012
End Date: Monday, June 18, 2012
Audience: Industry, Government
Format: Other


NIST Office of Weights and Measures

Class No. 5180


Register for participation using the Weights and Measures Contact Management System. Database users must first establish an account by going to the link listed above. You must register in the OWM Contact Management System to participate in the webinar. Follow the instructions to create an account unless you are already a registered user. Your request will be processed within one business day and then you will be sent a password so that you may begin to use the system. Registered webinar participants will receive an email confirmation and will be provided a web link to make a payment. Funding of State W&M laboratory webinar participants is sponsored by the Office of Weights and Measures. If you have any questions, please contact Isabel Chavez at (301) 975 - 2128.

Registration Contact:

Yvonne Branden,
Office of Weights and Measures,
(301) 975 - 3272

Isabel Chavez,
Contact Management System Administrator,
(301) 975 - 2128

Technical Contact:

Val Miller,
Office of Weights and Measures,
(301) 975 - 3602