EEEL Sponsors INTEL VP’s Visit to NIST

For Immediate Release: March 23, 2010

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Contact: David G. Seiler

Dr. Michael C. Mayberry, Vice President of the Technology and Manufacturing Group and Director of Components Research at INTEL Corporation, visited NIST in March to give a presentation and to learn about NIST and its work with the semiconductor industry. Dr. Mayberry’s talk, entitled “Emerging Technologies and Moore’s Law: Prospects for the Future,” was well attended and is available to view on-line.

INTEL and NIST have a history of collaborating often on the advanced measurements that are required to enable INTEL to better produce their latest chips. In his recent visit, Mayberry wanted to explore further opportunities for collaborations with NIST. Mayberry’s visit was arranged by David Seiler, Chief of the Semiconductor Electronics Division.

Michael C. Mayberry is director of Components Research which is the research arm for the Technology and Manufacturing Group of Intel. He is responsible for ongoing research to enable future process options for Intel's technology development organizations